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Author Topic: large interior shoot advice  (Read 1178 times)


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large interior shoot advice
« on: March 11, 2015, 10:47:04 am »

I'm booked for a shoot on Friday, shooting various bits and bobs in a cafe restaurant. They also want some nice architectural shots of the space. This isn't my normal line of work, so I'm looking for some tips and or pointers to articles and tutorials. I know many LL members do this kind of thing for a living, so any advice would be much appreciated. I'll be shooting on a Hassy H4D-50 with a 28mm lens and I also have the tilt shift adaptor. Also taking my Canon 5d Mk III for staff portraits etc.

This is a lo-res pic of the space, I think my biggest concerns are to do with colour balance with the daylight and large roof lights to consider:

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