Back about the time Nikon introduced the D1 I stated to a buddy that at 6MP digital would replace film. Check. Anyone remember Genuine Fractals? My buddy laughed and said no way. Reminded me of a co-worker that said his college professor made them use a slide rule because "calculators were just a fad!"
At 12 MP, we basically duplicated the resolution provided by 35mm film.
At 24MP cameras like the D7100, D610 and D750 we blew past anything we were getting before.
I now have a D810 and 36MP works for me. I actually popped the money for this camera because it was the 1st DSLR I wouldn't mind getting stuck with long term. In most ways the sensor is 'good enough' and while there might be upgrades, I suspect they will be minimal. Where this camera will get upgraded in a significant way will be with better signal processing and data throughput opening up additional functionality.
We have to be careful when talking resolution about the camera systems we include. 35mm was smaller, lighter and cheaper than Medium and Large format. Nikon, Canon, Sony, Samsung, Olympus, etc. still are looking at a mass market product and probably won't ever replace larger digital systems. I don't know the technical limitation in resolution at 36x24mm sensor size, but I believe you will see roughly 24MP as the new standard and 36-48MP as the specialty cameras. With that, you will capture about 90% of users. Then there will be high dollar larger systems for 'extreme' users. Anyone want to bet Nikon's next flagship camera (D5) will be higher than 24MP? At best, there might be 3 versions. The base camera, a high resolution (and slower speed) variant and a maybe a high speed action variant (maybe with less resolution).
I will add that we have hit diminishing returns and the incremental increases will come at ever increasing cost. Like computers went through a 2 decades where each new model provided increased performance and now computers are commodities. It's all about the funtionality, features and package. I've been building my own computers for 20 years (My house has 2 home built desktops, a Home Theater PC and a 9TB Server, in addition to 4 laptops, an iPad, an Android Tablet, 4 Smartphones) and the next one I build will be just marginally better than the i7 I built a 1.5 years ago.