@deeejjjaaaaa: The Leica S is academic for two reasons: (i) their CMOS camera is many months away and entirely untested and (ii) their prices limit their use and ownership to multi-millionaires, which most of us are not. And yes, no doubt their lenses are a lot better. If I won a lottery I'd for sure get an S system just for fun.
If I had a dollar for everytime someone mentions lecia and millionaires, I'd have 15 million in the bank.
Obviously I guess your talking about buying full retail of the latest cmos S series, but I paid less for my S2 than the Pentax and unlike any larger than 35mm format camera, you can use H series and Contax lenses with full functionality, honestly no glitches in focus or sharpness of focus.
I have 7 contax lenses, one leica lens, the 120 and it's very good and has different roll off than the Contax Zeiss, but it's not sharper, so if you just want a different look, you can buy Leica lenses as you go, but you don't have to buy the full line of lenses, to get up and running.
In fact medium format cameras seem to last forever, are usually taken care of better than a 35mm camera so dealer approved used can be a deal, in all makes, not just Leica.
Now I'll admit I haven't tested the Z, or any pentax digital and the world seems crazy for 6000 iso though so far I've rarely needed it in any format, any genre, so I guess I work differently than some.
Still, the Leica for the Lambo/Bentley crowd is not really true, except for the build quality.
Leica S2
650 watt Arri Frensel key, through 1 stop frosted glass.