I also think after reading through this thread that Andrew is going to have his work cut out for him.
Coming to many new posts after my nap
. I do want to address a few items in the order I've read them (up to this post).
1. For those who have made comments about my original question regarding a video, I AM reading and digesting them, I'm not ignoring them. This topic evolved into a lengthy sidebar but that happens here. Remember the "
does raw have a color space" set of posts? At one point, I and a few others were believing as we had read "
raw has no color space, it's essentially grayscale data" which I believe is an exact quote. That was written for an audience that differs here, for it's audience it worked. My position and understanding has evolved considerably thanks to those posts and from people like Thomas Knoll Eric Walowit and Jack Holms. When GWGill wrote (on my longer post about this subject:
I agree that your second post on the topic sounds much more reasonable though.), the long tread and my effort to decipher it was worthwhile! GWGill is in the same respected camp on this subject as Thomas, Jack and Eric so that validation on my understanding was pretty neat.
2. As the OP, it appears I can update the subject and I'm thinking of doing this. I'm interested in the "
does Adobe RGB have more colors than sRGB" discussion because I've learned a lot in one day and I think we're getting somewhere. So maybe the subject should be:
Color management myths and misinformation video: Larger gamut, more colors? 3. I think due to the evolution of this thread, trying to rebut the other video's is a waste of time (fools errand) so I think all of you for putting me on task.
I have many more posts to read from last night. That will take some time. Keep em coming.
At this point, the discussion in terms of "
does Adobe RGB (1998) have more colors than sRGB" the answer seems to be
it could. I also want to take some images in both spaces though ColorThink and extract unique colors to see what happens. Maybe someone's done this already? It is important thus far in my understanding from others to point out some key points.
1. These color space triangles are containers and don't have any color per se until we introduce images. And images is what I believe most if not all of us are interested in here.
2. The image itself is critical to the answer (and a yes or no answer probably isn't going to fly). As expressed, a white document in sRGB and Adobe RGB have the same number of colors.
3. It is important to define what a color is, that a number expressing a color value we can't see isn't a color.
That's all I have so far, and I haven't had a lick of coffee yet. But waking up and seeing all these threads, I wanted to interrupt this show to thank everyone for their time and comments and let you know I have a lot of catching up to do. Hopefully many of you are fast asleep as I write this on the other side of the planet. That will give me some time too. Thanks again!