Thanks guys! It's a very tough call, for sure, between the Makro and the f/1.4.
While I am intrigued by the Sony/Zeiss 55, I'm going to steer away from it right now because it doesn't check enough boxes for my needs...namely manual focus and manual aperture control.
As much as I think I'd feel "better" going with the Makro, I'm starting to think the f1.4 might suit my needs pretty well. Of course I look at MoreorLess' shots and I think...Makro for sure
The f/1.4 is a stop faster, and sharpness isn't the most critical thing for me personally (i.e. sharpness measured by MTF charts and P-mPix calculations). But, sharpness is a concern if things are too soft wide open.
I do a lot of portraits with stills, and for video I use the 50mm as a close up lens. Rarely is it wide open for a video close up, more like f/4, but I'd like the flexibility.
So I don't know lol. I think I'd be more than happy with the Zeiss f1.4, but then I'd always be saying, "Shoulda got the Makro." First world problems.
I was curious to see, not that many f/1.4 shooters out there...Thorax was, however (outstanding work by the way)!
So I'll have to give myself a little more time and then pull the trigger. Thanks for all the feedback guys. I really appreciate it!
P.S. I totally hear you Kers on the Sigma!! I have the Art Series 18-35mm for my GH4 and it's amazing! However, I need a solid prime set, mostly for video work, hence the manual everything. Plus, running it on a Metabones adapter and the A7 series, the AF is non-existent anyway. So might as well be manual to start with and have a focus gear