According to our resident guru, it may be a test to see if film returns. To me, it seems a test of my "tribalistic" attachment to this brand. Once upon a time, Minolta came up with true innovations every 10 years or so to keep itself in the game; then they would immitate their competitors with a 30% price advantage. For amatures like me, this presented good value. I stuck with them aquiring several 35mm bodies and the 7D. My reasoning was that 7 lenses were constantly recycled and the older bodies were handed down to family. I'm starting to feel like an abandoned orphan. I wish I had the insight or intestinal fortitude to sell off my equipment the way Michael did but incremental self justification takes hold. The only good thing about this is I'm still taking what my family and friends (my only audience) think are very good pictures. And then there's the illusion of a "9D".....