I can appreciate the thoughts, but would dare not go that far.
My 9900 at just over 2 years old still throws me curve balls. Just the other day, here is a typical situation.
Printer is left on BTW unless bad weather is inclement.
Had to make 3 30 x 40 prints.
Ran a nozzle check, all colors showed 100%
Made 1st print, all fine.
Made 2nd print, obviously something was wrong with the sky.
Ran a nozzle check, results all Cyan gone, just gone except mabye 3 bars. (Now explain this as it tend to happen once a month and during a print process)
Throw away large piece of 36" Canson Platine
Switch to Maintenance Mode
Run CL2 on Cyan/Magenta
Ran a nozzle check, almost all cyan recovered, but still showing a few deflected nozzles and now PK is showing deflections
Run a CL1 on Cyna/Magenta
Run a CL! on Pk.LK
Ran a nozzle check, all colors are back
Power off, and come back up and normal mode
Finish job
To me is not acceptable and pretty much points to a major fault in the ink delivery system of the 9900.
This same pattern happens, with yellow and sometimes LK, with always after one or two good prints.
I still get PK black fallout after a Matt to PK switch, even after the required nozzle check is run by the printer. Again never happens after the first print, but instead after 1 or 2 prints.
Can't really call for a tech even though I am under last year of extended warranty as you can't recreate the problem.
If I could afford a switch, I guess I would move to Canon, I am just tired of this type of problem.
Paul C