Jimmy, exactly! If you change desktops or otherwise leave C1 to do some housekeeping elsewhere it gets very jealous and makes you pay, like an old girlfriend.
C1 customer service is in total denial. First, "you're not using Mac", then "send us your Mac profile". I have two blazing Macs, only the new Pro is likely to be faster. Runs LR and DxO9 like child's play. Slow and crashy on C1. I asked about a refund, they said I had a 60 day trial. Which I didn't use all of so I guess that's my bad (Ha!). I figured I'd give it the benefit of the doubt, but it has ended up just fooling me.
While I love importing my 6D files with their preset and linear as a start point, the problem is I can't get the RAW (cr.2) over to LR (hate tiff conversions, not sure if that's sane, but seems a waste) and for safety have to store it in both programs, thereby wasting space. Am experimenting with Dxo9 and then sending DNG over. Almost as good, but not quite (C1 does highlights far better). But if I get a recipe down it's difficult to see me using C1 until they get these bugs fixed and quit blaming users. I seriously wonder why they insist on this bull-headed POV and don't just admit it needs more work. Do they really believe that we are ALL wrong? Good will is tough to develop and near-impossible to reestablish once lost, they should be more senitive than this if they want Market share.
And, I doubled down with Media-Pro... don't get me started. Seems little more useful than C1 at present. Same problems. Takes a very long time to perform simple queries and can hang too. I honestly think C1 has made some source-code errors or something that causes the program to take "long-cuts" on the way home. Why else so slow and ponderous?
Will take your advice Jimmy and use Sessions. That way I will only export my Selects to LR