The relatively new "roundness" option in PS CC "Filter->Other->Minimum..." is stated as intended for refining masks. But it also is a way to reduce destructive processing artifacts on color layers as from over-sharpening, jpegs etc.
The example shows a 100% jpeg crop on the left. On the right we see the result of the Minimum dialogue set to "Roundess" and a factor of 0.2. The abundance of halos and edge nastiness is greatly reduced. The nervous looking original is made gentle and even pretty in the print. The effects is especially lovable on high contrast transitions that show off the consequences of even mild sharpening. Even applying new, judicious sharpening is an improvement over the original.
The example shot is not the best. Oversharpen an image and hit it with "Minimum, 0.2, Roundess." You may or may not like what you see.
Of course, there are other ways to do this. But Minimum is quite direct without much fooling around. The histogram gets a gentle nudge to the left, so you may want to raise it back up with a curves layer.