First of all, bravo on setting up a streaming, subscription based service. Now I can actually watch on my iPad without a huge headache and hours of file transfers!
Not all is smooth however. I can't get the Costa Rica video to load in LLVJ 11 - all other clips in that journal load. It won't work with my iPad 3 running the iOS7 Purple Player app, and it won't run on my 2011 Macbook Air running OS X 10.7.5 and Safari 6.0.5. It says "Error loading media: File could not be played."
Sometimes the video will just pause in the iOS app. This happens pretty frequently - about every 10 to 20 minutes of video. To restart, I have to tap back to the list of all available streaming videos, tap back on the video I want, and then it starts back up again where it paused. I'm not sure if this is a memory issue in my iPad 3 or something with the service.
I appreciate your efforts in working out the kinks.