Hi all,
I suppose it had to be me that asked the inevitable question(s).
I have watched and re-watched the LLVJ's many times over through the years and intend to watch them many times more in the future, I think I am one of your biggest fans as far as the LLVJ’s go, so am I right to assume that if I want to do this with all future releases, that I will now have to pay $150 per annum for as long going into the future as I wish to do so and the moment I stop my subscription I lose access to all that new content?
I don’t use LR or Capture One or any DAM tools other than my own methods using Windows Explorer, nor do I have any interest in videography, so perhaps I am not your standard customer, but then again maybe I am, who knows, but I just wonder if this “all or nothing” subscription model, is really going to be the best route to retain all of your previous customers as well as attract lots of new ones?
I am sure you knew these questions would come from someone, so it may as well be me I suppose, so please don't shoot the messenger, as I am not trying to throw a spanner in the works for you and all the good work that you guys do and the subscription price doesn't actually worry me too much either, but no longer being able to re-watch what I will now be paying for, without also having to pay a continual and never ending subscription fee does worry me. So is there no way that your loyal customers cannot fully buy and own any of your new content based on what they choose to own, sort of an existing customer benefit or something?
I know if I want to watch a movie though Netflix (the comparison you use), then I fully understand that I have to pay a subscription to Netflix to do so, but on the other hand, if I like the movie enough that I want to own it, then I also have the option to buy it via any video retailer – couldn’t you have a “buy out” price option for each video perhaps?
Even Kelby moves his content over to DVD sales eventually as new content arrives, perhaps something like that could also work for the LLVJ’s? Only not DVD's but downloads, as I know you had problems posting DVD's around the planet in the past..
