Maybe the storytellers have moved to video -- "... five photographers who have chosen different approaches to documenting their subjects, appropriating film and multimedia into their image-making repertoire to develop a more narrative-led approach"
Hard to say on this. The accessibility to video is much bigger since the internet arrived no question/
On the other hand video has been around quite a long time too (just more people have access to be able to make it now)
Pretty much the same as stills photography, more people around and doing it. So both are the same in that regard.
On the other hand...
Photography didn't replacing painting/sketching/art type activities
And video doesn't replace the still image either.
Reminds me of that Dan Chung interview, and what does Dan do? Puts up a decent enough video with the usual expected somewhat corny sentimental soundtrack. So what's new? Nothing
I don't know about the PJ market, I don't see video replacing stills there either. They are different mediums and have unique approaches. The impact of a single image, one brief moment in time can never be reproduced with a video.
We don't need to start quoting Mark Twain I hope
"The reports of my death ..."