I am all for it. So, lets do it. Please answer the following question, related to your OP photograph:
What type of value, advice or help are you actually looking for (when receiving critique)?
Looking into dictionary is not going to help me determine what type, nor what you are looking for, hence the direct question to you, related to photography.
You guys really spend your time doing this, don't you? I have never seen so little photographic discussion in a photographic forum. Are you guys simply afraid to talk seriously about photography? I mean, based on some of the nonsensical talk here, I am coming to the conclusion quickly that photography is the LAST thing anyone here wants to face.
My dictionary contains this common use:
relative worth, utility, or importance.
When I said there was "zero value" in the other guy's comment, I meant it had no worth, no utility, and no importance. Since it had NONE of any of those things by his choice, I can't hardly tell you which thing of value he might of offered, can I? But in general, opinions related to photographic principles have some worth, suggestions for improving a photograph might have some utility, and seeing a flaw I didn't see in the photograph might have some importance.
I'm expecting you to now ask what is worth, or utility or importance, right? And the game can go on endlessly. I think I get it though. I am seeing - through you and Chris - why I am such an irritant. What this forum comprises is basically computer jockeys. You capture something on the card. You load it into the computer and then spend countless hours sliding the levers until some insanely colorful image appears on the screen. Then you post it here, and talk about the sliders - like this:
In this particular instance, after isolating just the sky, I used SEP2 to create a B&W layer (full dynamic, smooth). I changed the blend to Luminosity and lowered the opactiy to 67%. To counter some of the grain created by SEP2, I did a noise reduction using "despeckle" only. Next, on a copy of the B&W sky layer I used a blend mode of "screen" at 17%, flattened and it was finished. I am using CS6 but I think all these are available in LR4. If you don't have SEP/SEP2, make a copy of the original, use the B&W conversion adjustment and use that for your blend layer. I tend to add a bit more contrast when doing it by that method, but in the end, it's pretty close to the same.
And that's what at least some of you think is photography. Talk about making my head explode. So, yes, I start asking photographic questions, or commenting on the art or the artist, and you attack me as though I was from Mars. Even down to scrubbing my posts for the meaning of a single word, or the guy who enjoys scrubbing them fro grammar. Anything at all to stop this "photography talk."
It's humorous.