We can play word games all day. You seem to be of the belief that people that believe in God are wrong....that there is no God. Correct?
No, I just see absolutely no evidence that they're right. I see as much evidence for God as for any other deity, including Quetzalcoatl, Zeus, Odin, Ra, the Invisible Pink Unicorn (bbhhh), and so on. Hell, even the Tooth Fairy has as much going for her/him as any god. The lack of evidence leads me to have no belief. That's not the same as having a belief in the absence of something, just an absence of belief.
If you make a claim about reality (that there are gods), that impacts my reality. It's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of facts. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. Claims about reality require evidential support, or they are blind assertions, and that which can be asserted without evidcence can be dismissed without evidence.
Some 'god claims' can be dismissed because they are lacking in internal consistency. For example, a claim of an omnipotent god falls because omnipotence is a nonsense concept. Can this god create a rock too big for him/her to lift? Either way, something is then beyond its ability, and so omnipotence can't be supported. Other god claims can be dismissed because there is no evidence and they are unfalsifiable - see Russell's Teapot. But the latter are dismissed only because the same argument can be extended to anything. It's not a killer argument against all possibilities. So in the final analysis, unless a concept can be falsified, it can't be falsified, and if it can't be falsified, we can't 100% dismiss the possibility, however slight.
So there might be a god, or gods. I don't know. But equally I can't 100% dismiss the invisible dragon in Carl Sagan's garage, or the pixies at the end of my garden. Do you believe in pixies?