That's a silly comment, sorry. Do you really thing any Allied country would be able to single-handedly defeat the Axis!?
but Yugoslavia/Tito/his partizans made no meaningful difference there at all... it was just a dust speckle in that picture... Allies means US/UK/Russia - everything else (French, Polish, Yugoslavian, Romanians deciding to switch sides, the same for Bulgarians...) was irrelevant to the point that outcome could be delayed by several weeks, but that's it... except may be Finns... they really mattered more because they decided not to aggravate their relations with the West and did not proceed further into Soviet territory after reclaiming what was lost pre WWII to USSR... they could tip the scale on the Eastern front, but ex officer of the Imperial Russian Army of German origin Mannerheim was too smart to do that... so didn't... so Germans were stalled in the north... Leningrad did not fall, Murmansk port was able to start getting supplies from US/UK later in the war, the road from Murmansk was not cut by Finns, but they could.
I was talking about our territory. No other country ever entered out territory to help us defend ourselves. The exception was the in the last few months of the WW II, when Russians passed through our northern parts on their way to Berlin, and even for that they got our permission.
Slobodan, you continue to ignore the fact that Tito was allowed to operate like he did just because Germans were too busy elsewhere and could only spare few forces to operate against him... so be grateful to Allies that you are alive today...
The Allies certainly did not do any work "for us," but for themselves.
Indeed, except that is where Germans were tied/destroyed... fighting in Yugoslavia was miniscule in comparison both in manpower tied there and duration
Given that we were on the same side, it certainly helped, but the same logic works in reverse too: it was easier for them as well, as we kept a fair share of German armies busy fighting us, not the Allies.
Did you bother to calculate the size of those "armies" and for how long they were busy w/ Tito... and compare w/ size that actually were on East/West fronts...
As a matter of fact, as we were the first ones to stage an uprising against the Germans in 9141, that delayed their attack on Soviet Union for seven weeks (if my memory serves me well).
your memory does not serve you well... nothing happened in Yugoslavia like this before
June 22 and what happened later (formation of the partizan forces) was again done by communists trained/educated/directed by exactly Soviets (and not on your own... just by Soviet puppets = the communist party of Yugoslavia)

... check calendar of the events... it was only after the war that Tito was lucky to be sufficiently far from Soviets who were busy w/ the West and US A-bombs and dared to play against pro-Soviet faction in its own party.
Those seven weeks meant the Germans reached Stalingrad (and its oil supplies)
except that there were no supplies there (oil was much-much further south... Chechnya, Azerbaijan - that is where oil was sourced back then and the river (Volga) itself could not be used for oil transport at that moment... so the error (German error) was to try to actually cross the river and cut oil delivery by land from the southern oil fields instead of aiming for the oil fields directly... it had nothing to do w/ Soviet organized communist movement in Yugoslavia... I understand that it hurts your feelings to know that Soviets were as usual behind, sorry... that is unlike Poland where at least there were genuine non Soviet backed pro Allies forces...