This D600 is for me a non event especially with this price. It is 50% plastic body, and sub pro level ala D7000 style. Saying this is the D700 successor is proving to the world you are high on LSD. No way... nor the D800.
So, to be clear, the D800 have too big files for a pro use like reportage; it is overkill. It need a huge logistic to stock the files and a lot of time to process the files. Many pros that I know who bought D800 and even sometime D4 made a step back. 200 or 300 D800's NEF out of a weeding can kill all motivation of every photographer. The D4 do not overkill at all the D3s. They made step back to D700 + D3s.
Even some mates from AFP (Agence France Presse) didn't liked the D4 and get back to the D3s.
Most important, the upper performances of the D800 over the D700 are totally overrated

I extensively tested the D800 and ... was not that impressed. In a normal PRO use like weeding or reportage, to make money, to show to clients and agency, having a D800 is absolutely not mandatory. Even more, clients don't care at all.
D800 is fashion and architecture only, when we speak about reality of agency in 2012. D4 is for ppl who didn't had the chance to buy the D3s and want to go pro grade monopbloc body.
The D700 stay one if not the best reflex for pro today because he is well balanced at ALL levels (File size, ergonomic, ruggedness, autonomy, speed, AF).
Better way to spend money on glass, who are before all the most important.

I forgot to speak about the non event D600. Well, this is a body with a FX sensor, severely castrated at many level (1/4000...) unable to beat a simple DP2m at base ISO ...
The logic would have been to put the D4 16Mp FX sensor in a D800 body (thus more FPS for reportage, realist file size and better ISO).
Nikon did it bad and I think its time for PRO to realise it and start to say what need to be said, no ?
HOOO wait, we now have the D600, the D800, the D700 is discontinued ... Maybe there is something in the pipeline like the D700s

I keep dreaming and hoping. 16 MP is the way. No more.