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Author Topic: Arca Swiss Z1 or Markins Q20  (Read 33933 times)


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Really Right Stuff equipment had a CATASTROPHIC failure while I was using it - and this problem is known to them with that item - the BH-55 Ball Head. Yes I should dwell on that. However, I sure wish they would have included in their catalog a statement to the effect of, "We use some of the profit made in our operations to fund anti-gay legislation."

Now if I would have known about that and/or their stance on Prop 8 in that wonderful state of California - I never would have purchased their equipment in the first place...problem solved for me.

But a larger question looms - and since you raised it, let me explore it: through history lots of groups have been outvoted by a majority: women once could not vote; people who were not white once did not count as human - that is in this country (it has been worse and remains worse, in other places). So yes, california voted in the majority against Prop 8 and the right for all people, no matter their sexual orientation to wed - in the legal sense. However, the tidal wave of time will change things - California will go the way of the great state of New York (my home state) - where gay marriage is now legal. It has been an economic boom for my state - so many people coming here to get married - they spend their money...they are happy, businesses are happy...and people have equal opportunity under the law for justice they would not have if they could not get married in the eyes of the law. California will see the light - wouldn't that be nice?

Why would the nice people at Really Right Stuff be against that? I would think that being inclusive would net them more money. I bet if more people knew about their stance on prop 8, they would lose money...why lose money? I bet a significant number of the people who purchase their equipment are not heterosexual. In fact, I bet they have people who are gay that they are related to..I know I do. And you know what Mr. Rand?  I bet there are folks related to you that are gay. Don't you believe that those folks deserve the same rights as you or me?

However, as I state above and say again, if RRS would just include a note in their catalog about their political stance on Prop 8 - I could have avoided the problem in the first place...but I suppose this all happened for a reason. There are indeed larger issues than photography (occasionally).

Finally, I respect your right to say what you want and where you wish to say it. Would you be so kind to respect my right to do the same?

Robert DeCandido

Rant noted, I still suggest that you rant in the Coffee Corner.  Wisdom is known by her children.
Rand Scott Adams


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Re: Arca Swiss Z1 or Markins Q20
« Reply #41 on: June 12, 2012, 04:03:25 am »

Two coffee chat items
Ellis Vener:
Nope, I live in St. Louis. The invasive Asian carp are large and obnoxious - many area Mississippi River boaters have been swamped by a 40 pounder leaping out of the water at speed and smacking into the boat, sometimes injuring the boater. I don't know how far north the non-native Asian carp has made it. I do know that the Illinois River has some carp working their way up toward the Great Lakes system, an ecological ticking bomb. IL Natural Resources and US Army Corps of Engineers (controlling rivers) are trying very hard to limit the carp. The species could destroy the commercial fishing in the Great Lakes. If any Mississippi River fish could do away with a 2 to 3 kilo ball head, this one could. :(

The thread has listed a variety of plusses and minuses of several ball heads. Most comments on the thread have centered on design, user experiences, etc. There is no such thing as the one and only "perfect" ball head - many brands and models will perform very well for the specific needs of the owners. Occasionally, non-technical considerations will be used in purchasing decisions - service quality, country of manufacture, and yes, even political stances. As I have mentioned above, I have a friend who was one of the earliest to marry, and she suffered considerable anxiety over the possibility of her marriage being revoked, for practical reasons and because it would be a very public slap in the face. It isn't nice to wonder which of your neighbors and colleagues consider you to be worthy of public scorn for expression of fidelity considered praiseworthy for other people. Most of the time I don't pay much attention to the politics of manufacturers (if I did, I might be in the "no consumption" movement). However, a sense of personal loyalty makes me avoid RRS if a comparable quality product is available elsewhere. I am glad that the company exists and employs US skilled trades workers. In the short run, I prefer spending my money elsewhere.


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Re: Arca Swiss Z1 or Markins Q20
« Reply #42 on: June 16, 2012, 11:11:21 pm »

Agree fully.  I was considering a Gitzo 3452/Arca Swiss vs. a RRS 33 tripod and 55 head but knowing the RRS politics I will not be considering the RRS product. This thread has been helpful in guiding my purchase decision.


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Re: Arca Swiss Z1 or Markins Q20
« Reply #43 on: June 19, 2012, 06:14:27 pm »

Agree fully.  I was considering a Gitzo 3452/Arca Swiss vs. a RRS 33 tripod and 55 head but knowing the RRS politics I will not be considering the RRS product. This thread has been helpful in guiding my purchase decision.

I likewise agree. Robert brought up -- very briefly -- a topic which happened to be relevant to him in choosing not to buy RRS products, in the expectation that it might be relevant to others as well. This expectation has now been borne out. The pseudo-political discussion has been dragged out in this forum only because others chose to make an issue of it. My own thought is that any reason which someone takes into account for buying or not buying something is reasonable to mention in this context. If anything is suitable for the Coffee Corner, it is the philosophical argument over whether or not one should let a company owner's politics influence one's support of that company.



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Re: Arca Swiss Z1 or Markins Q20
« Reply #44 on: June 20, 2012, 12:15:29 pm »

Just got my Arca Swiss Z1sp with flip-lock clamp. It's a beauty. I can't wait to get it and my new set of Feisol 37mm diameter carbon fiber legs (3472) into the field this weekend.

I am not at all offended by other photographers' use of RRS products. The company is a good one, and employs Americans, a Big Plus. My choice was dictated by personal loyalty, and does not preclude my respect for RRS users who may not know a specific person affected by the anti-gay-marriage Proposition 8 campaign.


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Re: Arca Swiss Z1 or Markins Q20
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2012, 05:01:03 pm »

As a followup, I did buy the 3542 tripod but , again thanks to information in this thread and elsewhere, I bough the Markins Q20 head (yet to arrive).  Robert
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