I thought I would add a bit of light Friday humour to this copyright discussion. One solution, and it's a bit old, but it has legs:
Disney Blames Apple For Music PiracyVishniac writes "It looks like Disney CEO Michael Eisner is accusing Apple in part for fostering music piracy, particularly with its 'Rip, Mix, Burn' campaign. Testifying before the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee, Eisner said that the ad suggests to people that 'they can create theft if they buy this computer.' Apple? iMac? Impossible."
One response -
Because oxygen facilitates computer piracy by allowing pirates to breathe, the DMCA will be outlawing this harmful gas as a copyright protection device.
"We're pretty sure there won't be any more piracy once we've removed all oxygen, destroyed the earth's atmosphere and made it completely unliveable for humans," a DMCA spokesman said. "The day we can go forward on this project will be a great day for corporate America."
Until all oxygen can be removed from the planet, all people caught breathing will be given Cease and Desist orders, and possibly incarcerated before they have a chance to run home and burn CDs.
During a discussion about this innovative new form of justice, George Bush stated that he is considering a similar plan to handle terrorists. "We will not be held hostile by terrorists, nor people who harbour terrorists, nor innocent civilians of countries that harbour terrorists, nor those chemical elements that terrorists need to survive."
"If you're breathing, you're either a terrorist, or you're aiding a terrorist by breating. Breathing is un-American." When reminded that the original question was about software piracy, Bush said that pirates shouldn't breathe either because it makes them a bigger threat on the high seas.
When asked if he himself had ever breathed, George Bush said that as all breathers were anti-American, and that he was most assuredly not anti-American, of course he has never breathed.
"Not like that hippy Clinton," one of Bush's entourage reportedly mentioned. "We all know that he inhaled."
Apparently, an informal polling of people with any intelligence on the subject said that removing oxygen to combat terrorism was not a good idea. When asked to comment on that poll, Bush laughed and said, "When has intelligence ever stopped Americans from doing what we need to do?"
From the Slashdot Archives