I'm curious about other thoughts...
My head is about to explode over this. I hire out my pixel peeping to Lloyd Chambers
http://diglloyd.com/ and he is all over the deficiencies of the Canon 5d3 sensor. A logical outcome from all this pixel peeping would be to get all my Canon gear on e-bay before the rest of you realize what junk all that stuff is.
He has some examples up on his review site pointing out the deficiencies but I must be dumb because I don't see the glaring "pattern noise" faults that he does.
But I upgraded my DSLR from a Canon 40D to a 5D3 anyway, I skipped the 5D2 for a number of reasons,among those, that I was focused on working with my M9. Like most RF users, I also keep a DSLR around for different types of "work"(this is my avocation, not my vocation, hence the quotes around work).
Oh, I did mention that I hire out my pixel peeping to Lloyd Chambers. Well, Llloyd also raked the M9 for its noise characteristics. And then he went and spent close to $30,000 of his own money on an M9, a noctilux, a 50 and a 35 summilux and others. Then he upgraded to the M9P! A cosmetic upgrade... All of this is a reminder that Lloyd makes a
living off pixel peeping. He is being paid to split hairs.
The difference between a good image and great image will never be the hairsplitting differences between a Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Leica, etc... even though it may be interesting to banter this about when you aren't photographing, post processing, printing or presenting your work.
All this teeth gnashing has hit a high crescendo with the 5d3 and the d800/e and I think it is precisely because the technology is maturing and each new release doesn't give us the obvious improvements over the last model that we've become accustomed to since the onset of the digital age.
So, I read an interview of David Burnett
http://tinyurl.com/cxr7fve I went to my bookshelf and pulled out Sam Abell's "The life of a photograph" and realized that the difference between my M9, my 5d3 or a d800 doesn't make one bit of difference. But you knew that, I knew that, we all know that, we just forget sometimes. I'm going to shoot more and produce more, I'm going to let everyone else worry about the Canon/Nikon fan wars....lest I fall hopelessly behind.