Bart....please....translate for us commoners. :-)
....and is this higher black level good, bad, or depends..?
Hi John,
The analog voltage that results from exposure is read from each sensel, and converted to discrete (natural) numbers by the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). The ADCs we are talking about produce Digital Numbers (DN), also called Analog to Digital Units (ADU), in the range of 0 to 16383 (for a 14 bit ADC). A few of the highest DNs are not utilized.
In that read-out and conversion process, noise is unfortunately added by the electronics. It would require super cooling to avoid that. So even if there was no exposure, zero exposure signal, there will still be a randomly fluctuating DN coming out of the ADC. That noise will have a Gaussian distribution around its zero signal average, and thus negative numbers which we cannot encode when zero is the lowest DN.
Some manufacturers (e.g. Nikon) have chosen to truncate that Gaussian distribution, and they output the zero input signal level as zero output level. That also means that they discard some information that would be smaller than zero, the lower half of the Gaussian noise distribution. So their Raws do not contain all the info (noise is also info) that comes out of the AD conversion.
Other manufacturers (e.g. Canon) have chosen to keep all that info, and therefore add a fixed offset to all of the output DNs for a given ISO. While that reduces the number of individual DNs that can be assigned to the different input signal levels, it also allows things like advanced DarkFrame subtraction. That can be of particular interest to people who need to do number crunching on the Raw data such as Astro photographers who combine many Raw data frames to reduce the lowest noise levels statistically before Demosaicing.
In this case it also can help us to easily and directly determine the Read Noise amount, a parameter used to calculate the Dynamic Range (DR) of our sensors. Therefore it is useful to be able and read that metric directly from the Raw data, and use it when we can benefit from having the info.
Canon used to use a fixed Black level offset of 1024, but in the 5D3 that level is apparently increased to 2048 for the lowest ISO settings (assuming the pre-production Raw data encoding is similar to that of the production models). It does reduce the remaining number of DNs that can be used for exposure signals, but there are still more than 14000 discrete levels (some 13.8 bits out of the 14 we started with) available which should be enough to smoothly render gradients, even after Gamma precompensation for display.
Here is the result from some measurements I did with 'Rawdigger' on the pre-production Raws at Imaging Resource. I chose a rectangular area of the technical sensels outside the imaging area. That area seemed rather uniform in all channels and at all ISOs, so I hope that it is representative of the read-noise we will get in the image area itself. The first three columns are ISO and exposure data, then 4 columns of average signal level (the Black level offset), and finally 4 columns with the Read-Noise Sigmas for the color channels:
Canon 5D Mark III - Read noise - 14-bit numbers
ISO T A R G1 B G2 Sr Sg1 Sb Sg2
50 1/6 8 2048.4 2048.0 2047.2 2048.3 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.3
100 1/12 8 2048.6 2047.8 2047.0 2047.8 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.3
200 1/25 8 2048.8 2048.2 2047.4 2047.7 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
400 1/49 8 2048.2 2048.9 2047.9 2045.2 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.6
800 1/99 8 2049.0 2048.7 2047.8 2048.0 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.7
1600 1/197 8 2050.7 2050.2 2049.3 2049.7 6.9 6.7 6.7 6.8
3200 1/395 8 2053.2 2052.7 2051.0 2051.4 7.4 7.2 7.2 7.4
6400 1/790 8 2059.9 2058.6 2055.7 2057.0 8.1 8.0 7.8 8.1
12800 1/1579 8 2069.8 2066.7 2059.6 2062.9 10.1 9.5 9.4 10.1
25600 1/3158 8 2092.4 2085.8 2071.9 2079.0 20.2 18.9 19.0 20.2
51200 1/6317 8 2135.1 2123.6 2097.0 2110.9 40.2 38.2 37.8 40.1
102400 1/6317 11 2227.4 2197.7 2149.4 2170.9 81.0 75.6 74.7 80.0
We can see an interesting deviation from how previous Raw data looked (read noise amplified at each higher ISO). The Read Noise is not significantly amplified until ISO 1600 to 3200, and the 3 highest ISO settings are bogus, just binary shifts to compensate for the under-exposure, but useful if you must shoot JPEGs. Raw shooters may as well underexpose (thus retaining highlights) and push in postprocessing.
BTW. A separate test shows that the exposed image areas of the Raw file
are amplified, so that a given scene luminance will produce the same DN (with shot-noise accuracy), despite the lower exposure level.
So, the short answer is, it's helpful to have access to the data. All we need now is the highlight clipping DN levels to calculate the Dynamic Range (engineering definition) per ISO, before publishes their findings ...