Good grief. This web site is filled with pros! (I just clicked on your site, Walt)
Here is why I like this image: (I would not have guessed rain)
-The greens, not so much of the river, but of those trees coming out of the snow in the background.
-The softness of that snow in the background and the way the fog or cloud has blended out the upper right in the back corner. We do not need to see any more detail there. It lets me look longer at the pleasing background above the river.
-There is just enough foreground, in focus, that must add perspective and depth.
-There is not too much in the photo. You have successfully found "a scene within a scene".
-We can see the snow. The river nicely divides the frame between foreground and the other shore, the rocks that appear underwater add a subtle contrast.
This is a scene very pleasing to look at.
Plus, I like the fact you were out hiking in this weather with your camera!