It's all about how one conducts oneself online. Effective communication online is an art. The way one writes, ones choice of words, and the occasional use of a smiley, can be very effective in conveying irony, humor and good will.
People who spend a lot of time on forums need to learn how to comport themselves appropriately.
Also, endlessly dragging on a debate is pointless. Ad hominem attacks are also pointless. For example, one can find endless debate about topics like audio and photography (and wine) and a lot of it comes down to personal experience and opinion. There is no point (obviously) in debating opinion.
Mark is a very smart, well educated, and talented individual. He has a Phd in physics, is an accomplished musician, a highly successful venture capitalist (investing in high tech firms), and is a widely exhibited, collected and respected photographer. Do you really want to get in a pissing match with him? I think not, especially when there is no way for either of you to prove anything in an online debate.
So, my request (once again) is for civility on this board. As has been pointed out, this is my pool, I make the rules (what few there are), and if you don't like either me, the pool, or the rules, please go swim somewhere else.
It's debates like this that on some days make me feel like pulling the plug, and no one will be happy when that happens. Just remember that this site is visited by more than 1.4 million people each month and everyone has a different opinion. Please respect them, and especially mine.