Ambulance chasing on LuLa?
The term “ambulance chaser” (at least in my mind) evokes images of unscrupulous attorneys taking advantage of dazed and vulnerable casualties. I don’t see injured people lying on stretchers here.
What I
do see is:
• People have invested a lot of money in a product.
• That product isn’t performing as the manufacturer promised.
• The cost of repair is unconscionable, and the manufacturer refuses to step up to the plate to solve the problem to anyone’s satisfaction.
In situations like this, large corporations hold all the cards, and they play them against their customers on a tilted playing field, without thinking twice.
That’s where litigation can be useful. Litigation it does several things simultaneously:
• It levels the playing field;
• It gets their attention;
• It generally gets results.
With almost 600 replies to this thread, there is a lot of consensus on the problem, but . . . Epson doesn’t seem to be listening.