I bought the new Camera to Print and Screen series, and I find the system of listing download zip files confusing.
I keep the episode video files in a folder on my PC. At this moment they go from 1 (Intro) to 23 (Soft Proofing). Once I have extracted the episodes I discard the zip files. When it is announced that new zip files have been posted for download, I go to the download page of my order. At this moment the zip files go from 1 to 12. It is not obvious which zip files are new. The table does not show when a zip file was posted, so I can't tell if it's new since the last time I downloaded. The table also doesn't tell you what episodes are in each zip file, so I can't tell whether a zip file contains episodes I haven't downloaded yet.
I can either try to remember what zip file I downloaded last (although my memory usually fails me), or I can go through the extra step of downloading the TOC PDF (which is itself mysteriously zipped even though that saves almost no space).
So today I see in the What's New section that new videos will be posted. I downloaded the latest zip file, number 12, only to be reminded after I extracted it that it's the Soft Proofing episode which I already have.
The information that "A tutorial on the use of Lens Align has also been added to the fifth zip file of the Guide to Image Quality which is identified as a Placeholder" is even more cryptic. There is no fifth zip file of the Guide to Image Quality--it spans four zip files, 2 through 5. And I have no idea where it is identified as a placeholder.
I am enjoying the series very much and I look forward to new episodes. I'm sorry for being long winded, and this is by no means a major issue, but I think it would be very easy to add either the posting date or the episode numbers in the table of downloads. That way one could tell at a glance what zip files to download. Or perhaps I'm missing something really obvious?