I don't know if that would help, but I've been learning that when you follow your heart, you get much better, and (important), faster results.
I mean by that, that you can be tempted to be rational and try to get as much infos as you can. This, is the hard way because it always take time, efforts and energy, and that's the way the mind works. Mind likes rational things, proofs of all kinds and is unable to "see" through the mist. But the greatest accomplishments, moves, sucessfull changes aren't the ones that obey to the mind, but the ones that obey to the heart, or the soul, or whatever we can label that, that's not important.
Get your goal in focus, then do...nothing (keep going your daily ocupations without putting any sort of pressure and try to keep the mind away, it's not its business). Something will show-up very soon that will tell you where. All you have to do is being prepared to read the signs. Energy cost: zero. Efficiency: 100%.