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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #80 on: October 04, 2011, 02:45:37 pm »


I still can't see a single reason why anyone who is serious about photography – and not just about the newest gadgets and gizmos – would consider one of these Nikons.

Yeah, of course they can take somewhat good pictures, provided the photographer knows what to do. But hey... come on folks: any digital camera can take somewhat good pictures. You really don't need to spend more than 600 Euros for that.

  I could not agree more.    On my side of the pond these things gooble up a good  thousand dollars, and for that kind of coin, what exactly am I gaining?     I've read over the specs - supposed to be good in low light?  Well with most of the lenses starting at F3.5, and i think one lens at F2.8, they better be good at low light.  Hey, my Zeiss at F1.4 is really good at low light.  :)

    Right now I am more interested to see what, if anything comes from the new D4 or D800, if and when they arrive.



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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #81 on: October 04, 2011, 06:22:02 pm »

Right now I am more interested to see what, if anything comes from the new D4 or D800, if and when they arrive.

In case you believe in rumors, this could be interesting for you:

The initial article in Japanese also mentions the existence of a version without AA filter. AF technology would be the same as that seen in the J1/V1, meaning accurate by definition and available on the whole frame when using live view since AF sensors are in the imaging sensor.



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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #82 on: October 17, 2011, 04:37:34 pm »

I already started a thread to discuss the points below until it was revealed other threads on the topic existed. So I will repost them here.

It looks like very few are all that impressed with the new Nikon 1 camera line. At first glance I was rather disappointed. The sensor is smaller than APS-C or Four Thirds. It has a 2.7 x crop factor. Also the price for either version of this new line is too high IMO. ($649.95 for the J1, $899.95 for the V1). Also the placement of some of the controls is less than optimal (like the AF lock and AE lock).

However, all that said. This camera has some incredible new features, especially with regards to video, video/still hybrid, capture rates, and it's auto-focus system. Not every photographer cares about video, but for those that do, the Nikon 1 introduces some fantastic stuff. One thing that all photographers should appreciate though, is the auto - focus system. It looks to me like this new phase detection / contrast hybrid AF with so many focal points may be one of the fastest AF's out there.

Bottom line for me: I won't buy this camera (due to the sensor size and price) but I sincerely hope Nikon will put many of these new innovative features into their next set of DSLR's. Imagine the possibilities with action and wildlife photography with that new AF system! If you like video in your still camera, just think what you'll be able to do! Perhaps I am seeing things others don't, or maybe I have no idea what I am talking about. But elements of this camera seem to have great potential, especially if they were applied to Nikon's DSLRs.


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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #83 on: October 17, 2011, 05:52:27 pm »

However, all that said. This camera has some incredible new features, especially with regards to video, video/still hybrid, capture rates, and it's auto-focus system. Not every photographer cares about video, but for those that do, the Nikon 1 introduces some fantastic stuff. One thing that all photographers should appreciate though, is the auto - focus system. It looks to me like this new phase detection / contrast hybrid AF with so many focal points may be one of the fastest AF's out there.

Yep, that's the great thing about freedom of choice though, we are all grown up enough to determine what equipment might help some aspect of our photography.

I have personally been very frustrated by the AF of anything non D3/1D4 class out there on moving subjects/dark conditions, but from the reactions here and elsewhere on the web, either/or:
- very few people shoot moving subjects (kids,...),
- most people have given up on the hope that cameras might be able to focus in such situations,
- most people didn't read about the J1/V1 beyond the size of its sensor,
- they don't believe Nikon's marketing talk about the AF's abilities,
- they don't feel that image quality is as much the result of accurate focusing as it is the result of native sensor image quality,
- they feel that even if an image is sharp, it is unusable if it has too much DoF (yet, they use a compact camera...),
- they don't like Nikon as a brand or like another brand so much more than buying/looking objectively at a Nikon is not an option.

I believe that in the end, it is all about putting together a coherent/optimal set of cameras, my personal dream line up is:
- iPhone 4s in terms of pocket camera,
- Nikon J1 when I have larger pockets/anticipate an opportunity for pictures of the kids or in a party (AF matters)/carry even a small pouch/belt pack,
- Nikon D7000 for the photographic outings when weight is a serious concern/I don't want to stand out too much (like this:,
- Nikon D3x/D800 for the serious photography.

Stitching, either hand held or on a tripod, is of course available to increase the resolution of any of these cameras when an un-expected need occurs.

In this line up, I just don't see space for a high end compact like a S100, nor for a less compact mirrorless system like the NEX.



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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #84 on: October 17, 2011, 08:47:27 pm »

For those wondering about the relevance of the iPhone 4S as a replacement for a compact digital in the line up above, the following comparison might be interesting:

I know, these are low resolution samples, but nobody would shoot anything critical with a Canon S100 anyway, right?

We'll need to see for stills and I am sure that the S100 will be much better, but the question is "does it matter for those images I would take with one?". Just came across this random sample on Flickr (I hope the photographer won't mind me pointing to his work), I am sure better can be done, but still it appears usable for a decent A4 print.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 08:57:29 pm by BernardLanguillier »


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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #85 on: October 24, 2011, 07:25:37 pm »


For those interested in this camera, I have purchased one recently with the 3 basic lenses. Importantly, I own the white version.

Haven't had time to shoot with it much yet, but so far it has met my expectations in terms of a super iPhone 4 replacement just click and get the picture kind of camera.

Face detection AF just works, focus is fast and accurate even in dark environments and the exposure has proven the most accurate of any camera I have used to date.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 09:57:07 pm by BernardLanguillier »


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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #86 on: October 25, 2011, 10:24:41 am »

Face detection AF just works, focus is fast and accurate even in dark environments and the exposure has proven the most accurate of any camera I have used to date.

That is great to know Bernard. Please keep us updated on this. I am sure many want to stop speculating and just see some results from this camera.


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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #87 on: October 25, 2011, 05:57:16 pm »

That is great to know Bernard. Please keep us updated on this. I am sure many want to stop speculating and just see some results from this camera.

I am 1000% sure also!  ;D



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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #88 on: October 26, 2011, 04:28:44 am »

I just had a kind of mini-epiphany about the Nikon 1 series. 

It helped to look at some shots that I found on dpreview, mostly at ISO 400.

Coming straight out of the camera, I've got to say this is a great look.  The colors, while pumped, are still tight and well separated.  The optics look clean.  Noise, while not absent, is very well controlled.  It's a real camera.

Then it kind of struck me.  This is a serious platform with /downward/ mobility.  This is a platform for a future generation of compact cameras.  The price can be driven downward while retaining this level of performance, a level of performance that is surprising for any compact camera.

One thing that the Coolpii lacked in my view was a kind of well thought-out platform, something to elevate their cameras above the muddled norm.  This has a polished look.

If this basic imager can be made to sell for $400 or less (even if it had a fixed lens), I think it do very well, and evolve into the future.  At that price, I'd recommend it over any other compact, including the G12 without hesitating.


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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #89 on: October 26, 2011, 07:02:39 am »

I just had a kind of mini-epiphany about the Nikon 1 series.  

Are you telling me I might not be the only photographer finding value in this camera? Too bad, I thought I had managed to get myself a monopoly. ;D

« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 09:21:28 am by BernardLanguillier »


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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #90 on: October 26, 2011, 12:22:38 pm »

Are you telling me I might not be the only photographer finding value in this camera? Too bad, I thought I had managed to get myself a monopoly. ;D
Up until last night, I thought "why CX in a compact body when you could put DX in a compact body?"

Now I think "why 2/3" in a compact body when you could put CX in a compact body?"

It's not going to be a pocket camera like the S100, and lenses will have to be a bit bigger.  But all the larger compacts look rather like toys in comparison to the Nikon 1.  Fast, responsive PD AF, beautiful colors, interchangeable lenses available.  It almost sounds like the rebirth of the compact camera into what it ought to have been in the first place. 

I can't imagine the premium for the CX sized sensor is really that much over a 2/3".  Another $30-50, all told, if even that?  Worth it.

Not that I wouldn't still like to see Nikon make a small mirrorless with an FX or DX sensor.


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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #91 on: October 26, 2011, 05:45:43 pm »

Here is a full-sized JPG straight out-of-camera from the previously linked set.  I'm pleasantly surprised by how well this holds together at 100%.


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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #92 on: October 26, 2011, 08:25:23 pm »


how do you find the handling of the camera? I played with one (J1) briefly in the store this afternoon, and found myself wishing they'd given it even a little bit of a grip. Of course, it was attached to an anti-theft device, which probably adds 50% to the weight, so it may be much better in "real life".
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Re: New "mirrorless" Nikon
« Reply #93 on: October 27, 2011, 12:37:46 am »

how do you find the handling of the camera? I played with one (J1) briefly in the store this afternoon, and found myself wishing they'd given it even a little bit of a grip. Of course, it was attached to an anti-theft device, which probably adds 50% to the weight, so it may be much better in "real life".

The handling is compact camera like. Better than an iPhone, worse than a DSLR. It can be shot with one hand only, but sort of calls for a bit of support from the left hand.

I would agree with other reports that the mode switch is too close to the thumb and that it is fairly easy to switch from single image to the shot selector mode.

The key though is that this interface is a strong incentive to just forget about the controls and focus on images capture.

I have been impressed by the ability of the J1 to just take the picture right, well exposed, well focused without any tweaking. Just click and the shot is in the box mostly the way I want it to be in the box.

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