I have a Lenovo Thinkvision L220x (22") with a S-PVA panel:
- 325 cd/m^2 brightness (too much as i say latter)
- 1200:1 contrast ratio
- 92% color gamut
That i want to calibrate ,for first time for Photography work using lightroom and Photoshop (until now was a hobby, but i am going to study photography in a art's school here in spain).
But i don't know what calibrator buy. I am trying to decide between a Spyder 3 Ultimate and a i1 display pro.
My workflow is mostly capture the image in raw, importing to Lightroom and editing it to upload it to flickr and perhaps print a few in a lab, once decided what are so good to do that hehe (i don't print any image at home)
What worries me a bit of this monitor (but i can't buy a new one) is what is said in a the Prad's review :
Image quality
The monitor’s S-PVA panel ensures very good subjective image quality. The colours are vivid, homogeneity and illumination are acceptable at first glance. However, it soon became evident with our test model that the brightness of the monitor is much too high.
Unfortunately, the Lenovo monitor has overshot the goal in this regard. Advertised with a maximum brightness of 325 cd/m², the monitor achieves brightness of 318 cd/m² at a factory setting of 80 percent brightness and when brightness is 100 percent, the model achieves as much as 350 cd/m². The lowest brightness value in the factory settings is 180 cd/m² at a brightness level of 0 percent.
However, this value is much too high and is 40 cd/m² above the normal value we recommend. We were only able to achieve our preferred brightness value of 140 cd/m² by setting the brightness to 0 percent and reducing the RGB values as follows: R = 54 / G = 48 / B = 59. This is certainly not ideal and will certainly be a deciding factor against the purchase of the monitor for professional graphics and photo users.
Also it seems that as is a wide gamut monitor (93 % AdobeRGB coverage), the average desviation when calibrated using sRGB is in most cases of 4 dE but individual desviations are bigger than 10 dE, but when calibrated using AdobeRGB the dE values are much better. So i understand that i should use AdobeRGB as the Monitor colour space no ?
When the monitor is calibrated, the white point and gamma value are almost perfect. The average deltaE deviation can be reduced but is still not ideal. The colour blue seemed to give our test model the most difficulty. Almost all monitors with extended colour spaces demonstrate visible deltaE deviation and the Lenovo L220x is no exception. With an average deviation of 4.5 deltaE, the result is still usable, but the individual deviations of up to 11.6 deltaE are too high. Users who wish to work exclusively with the sRGB colour space should select a monitor without an extended colour space.
In the OSD, we selected the following settings, which we consider to be the best: Brightness 0 %, R = 55 / G = 49 / B = 60.
For the AdobeRGB colour spacethey look much better, as expected. Here, the monitor benefits from its extended colour space. The white point and gamma value are almost ideal.
The average deltaE value is just 1,8. This is a very good result. Somewhat higher deviations can only be observed for blue, but these are not critical.
In the grey sections, minimal banding is constantly visible. Overall, the monitor delivers a good to very good result for displaying colour gradients – even when the RGB values have been reduced in order to lower the brightness further.
For contrast, the factory setting of 85 percent should not be exceeded, since the monitor saturates brighter colours too much at higher values. The contrast ratio should always be higher than 400:1 for standard applications and photo processing. This is the case for all target calibrations. Overall, the contrast can be rated good.
To conclude, the L220x delivers a good result for measurements and calibration. The fact that the model passed the UGRA test with confidence also shows the monitor in a good light.
The somewhat larger deltaE deviation for the sRGB colour space is caused by the monitor’s extended colour space. If you need better results here and your heart is not set on a wide gamut model, you should select a monitor that does not have an extended colour space.
However, the most difficult aspect to bear here is the fact that the monitor’s brightness is much too high. Pleasant, profile-accurate work cannot be carried out above the 0 percent border. The optimal brightness values are only achieved by lowering the RGB values or reducing the brightness of the graphics card, after calibration.
I usually raise the blind of the room quite a bit as i usually like using the computer in a dimmed enviromment. When there is sun light , i only use the blind to control it but in the nights normally i work without any light or with two Energy Saving Light Bulbs that are in the wall behind the monitor ,and don't light the monitor screen directly.
Are important for calibration the differences of lighting between using the computer with some sun light or without it ( in the night) ? (Perhaps i have to buy two 6500 K bulbs for use in the night?)