I have not seen greenish casts when I made profiles externally for varnished canvas targets printed on the Z3100 and Z3200. Measured with a SpectroCam and a regular Eye1 Basic. Both measuring into UV and no "FBA compensation" done. Targets printed through a non-CM Qimage/Z driver workflow on Windows. The inks have a good color constancy when brought from tungsten to daylight but of course there is a slight shift to cooler then due to the FBA but not to green. Tried several profilers but I never used i1Profiler. It should have "automatic FBA compensation" for a regular Eye 1 like it happens in iMatch as I understand it, I would call that "Simulating a UV-cut spectrometer" though. If there is FBA in the coating you will see more color inconstancy but that also happens with profiling on the Z's which does not know UV by nature. In short: either your non-CM route for target printing is not working or there is something wrong in the relation regular Eye 1 : i1Profiler. And I do not think the Z3200 profiles are too magenta/red, from CC or APS.
I have seen the Z's spectrometer described as being simular to:
1/ the Eye 1, which has a tungsten light source with some UV content, cut out in the UV-cut version.
2/ the iSis, which has a UV Led and a white non-UV LED, using them separately.
3/ the Colormunki in a recent message, one white non-UV LED.
Which spectrometer comes near the Z's model, light/sensor/grating? I do not know, could be half the iSis, a whole ColorMunki but an Eye 1 is unlikely given the light source. It also measures from a greater distance on larger patches, I think the illumination must have been increased.
Fact is it has a white LED as its light source, with no UV content, so it does not measure into UV and the spectral export does not have data beyond 400-700 NM. Yet HP's own Color Center profiler makes fine profiles on the Z3200, in my experience as good if not better than the optional APS from X-Rite's stable and matching the prepacked HP profiles on HP media. The last are from another source too if I am not mistaken.
met vriendelijke groeten, Ernst
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