"My, we are in exceptionally cynical mode today. Do you seriously imagine that anarchy (that is, a system without the rule of law) would be preferable?
Heavens no! But that's not to say that the setup, as it appears to me to be, is not designed to give lawyers on both sides of a case plenty of ammunition and doubt within which to play, and the longer they can play, the more they are likely to earn from it; time is, indeed, money.
As I said, I've danced through the steps with such a firm and never again.
Grey areas are beautiful as long as you earn from them and don't face having to pay the guide who, sometimes, doesn't really know where he/she is leading you or, to be kinder to him/her, knows but ain't telling... I'm sure there are altruistic saints out there too, but the only one I suspect of that is still at university!
So cynical, yes, but it's only my view and I'm sure others have had better luck! But anarchy, no way.
Rob C