Looking for cheap 500mm lens for 35mm DSLR. Will be used to mostly for slow motion objects.
Three candidates come to my mind: Hasselblad 500mm/8 Tele-Tessar, Mamiya 500mm/5.6, and Leica Telyt 560mm/6.8.
I found a few pictures taken with Telyt, but not enough from Hasselblad 500mm and Mamiya 500mm for comparison.
Any comment or suggestion?
It looks like you're starting from scratch, so are you going with a full frame or crop sensor camera? If crop sensor, then you won't need an actual 500mm. The one lens on your list for a 35mm camera, the Telyt, is probably for the R cameras, and would be adaptable to a Canon DSLR. The other two are for medium format.
Nikon made a very nice 500mm mirror lens that will work with some of their current cameras, and may also be used on Canons with an adaptor. Vivitar used to offer a 500mm cat that was one of the sharpest available, actually made in the US by an aerospace contractor. It uses a T mount, so could work with a Nikon.
Sony has reintroduced a 500mm mirror for use on their cameras, and some legacy Minolta lenses will also work on Sony DSLR bodies.
In terms of cost, with used lenses it's the luck of the draw and how patient you are to get a deal. The Vivitar may be had fairly cheap as it's not on most people's radar, but is also rarer. Since the mount is not a concerne, any example will do.