The one person venting the most at my expense is located in Florida I believe <g>.
Either we live in an environment which tolerates and facilitates open inquiry or we don't,
We don’t. Well I was told that posting a poll here and on NAPP was all about me, my beliefs about soft proofing and forcing CMS on people and had nothing to do with gauging how users feel about soft proofing. I figured the opposite. I don’t know how asking people about the satisfaction and usage of their tools is anything more than gathering data points.
At least over on those forums, its more a religious argument (the term was used) than one of inquiry and science. What is disturbing to me is the number of users who have issues with print matching and soft proofing who would rather ignore the problems. If you ask about the problems or try to assist, you get shot down. Kind of like the photographer who unknowingly has his exposure compensation set to minus 2 stops, just builds a preset in LR to adjust for this and when someone suggests there might be an issue elsewhere, is told all is fine, there’s no reason to investigate why all captured images are dark. All while a much larger group has no such issues (for obvious reasons, they are using the tools correctly).
I guess ignorance is bliss.