Disclaimer: I'm not a color scientist, just someone who wants to learn.
I went to Bruce Lindbloom page, and find this info interesting:
Conversion from XYZ to RGB:
The explanation of the algorithm starts with this assumption:
Given an XYZ color whose components are in the nominal range [0.0, 1.0] and whose reference white is the same as that of the RGB system, the conversion to RGB is as follows...
Then in the implementation notes:
If the input XYZ color is not relative to the same reference white as the RGB system, you must first apply a chromatic adaptation transform to the XYZ color to convert it from its own reference white to the reference white of the RGB system
Bruce provides a link to a chromatic adaptation algorithm to convert from XYZ coordinates using a reference white to another set of XYZ coordinates corresponding to another reference white
So in the case of a RGB 0,0,255 in Adobe1998 RGB, D65, we get XYZ 0.1888186; 0.075274; 0.991109 as stated by previous posters
Now if I take those values to the chromatic adaptation calculator and put those values with D65 to obtain a XYZ referred to D50 I get
XYZ 0.149225; 0.063220; 0.744839 as shown in the attached screen capture
If I go back to the color calculator and input those values in the XYZ fields and set ProphotoRGB, D50, I get RGB 87.763290; 35.925802; 240.888952; (shown in the second attachment) which are the same results that you'll get if you leave the D65 reference white with the XYZ coordinates obtained from the blue primary in AdobeRGB, just as Jacopo said.
So, following Bruce instruction on his tools, you should perform a chromatic adaptation and the result is that the blue primary of AdobeRGB 1998 is inside ProphotoRGB