I was using PM5 to make a profile for Z3200 with Epson Hot Press and Cold Press paper.
But whenever I print the image out, the printer wil spray very tiny bit of blue on the white printable area.
And now the image will have a slightly blue tinted white border.
I thought I might did something wrong while I was scanning the color patch.
So I switched to ColorUtility and reprint & rescan the whole thing again.
I've exported the measurement data to both MonacoProfiler and PM5.
made 2 profiles with 2 both softwares.
the one that i did with MP 4.8 does not contain any problem.
But the PM5 profile still gives me the blue border which is extremely weird.
Does anyone know what's going on with my PM5?
Here is my setting:
Epson Hot Press Natural
- Size: Large
- Rendering Intent: Neutral Gray
- Gamut Mapping: LOGO Colorful
- Viewing Light Source: D50
- HP Driver (newest)
- Photoshop CS5 (PS manages color)
- Rendering Intent: Relative Colormetric with BPC on