You won't get "wrong" results, but the white point may be off a bit. But you can add the Spyder3 products and ColorEyes Display Pro to your short list.
you compare the Spyder3 (and the i1D2) with spectros in ColorEyes Display Pro on a wide gamut display? I did! On HP LP2475w and NEC 2690WUXi2.
I didn't see any correction for wide gamut displays.
ColorEyes Display Pro shows wrong results not only for the white point but also for the primaries, secondaries and so on.
Also I compared regular colorimeters with two different i1Pro spectrometers in:
basICColor display;
Quato iColor Display;
LaCie blue eye pro;
ArgyllCMS 1.3.x;
Spyder3Elite software;
SpectraView II (in SVII I compared not only with spectros but also with NEC MDSVSENSOR2 colorimeter).
Once more again: only Quato iColor Display and ArgyllCMS obviously support correction matrices for regular colorimeters on wide gamut displays.
I have read the advertisement from Integrated Color Corporation: "If you are using newer wide gamut monitors we recommend the Spyder3", but I prefer to test than to believe in advertisements.