So ColorPort will take my legacy data, measured from older units and update/convert for the new metric?
No doubt previously measured data can be recovered from a saved Monaco session into ColorPort, unfortunately the spectral data (380nm to 730nm) cannot be restored. I wonder if actual spectral data were saved during a Monaco session at the very first place.
I believe the adjustment can only be performed on the current measurement but not on a previously saved session.
A quick check was performed as follows:
(a) Load data from a previously saved Monaco session.
(b) Output in both PM5 and CGATS formats and with options: XRGA, Former X-rite, Former GretagMacbeth
(c) Remove data format names (nm380, nm390, ...., nm730) from the save data in (b) or else PatchTool will read all 0's or Blacks
(d) Compare read data with
All data were identical and unadjusted.