I gave up on DVDs for file transfer a while ago. I bought half a dozen cheap, but nice looking USB drives from Amazon, branded them with my logo and now after a day of shooting my clients get all all the files but the outtakes, which I keep to proof ownership of RAWS.
loads of advantages:
- a full backup leaves me.
- much faster than burning two to four DVDs, so the clients and ADs leave the set quite quickly after the last shot, which is worth its weight in gold.
- clients love it, if it is a big production, I tell them they can keep the drive. It is funny to see, how happy they are after spending €20.000 on a production to go home with a €30 freebee.
- more professional looking than a bunch of handwritten recordables
- easier and faster to browse for the client.
- for smaller Data package i hav a couple of USB sticks, branded with my name, to give away
- all other data goes onto my server.
goining for cheap drives is not a problem at all, as it is not meant as storage. if that harddrive should cave in, I still have a double set of the data in my laptop and on an external drive, and once I am back in my studio I'll pull a third copy. So I can always courier another drive to the client/retoucher.