Well, since you asked for criticism, Chris, I'll offer you some ... but first let me give you praise
I really do like your site and I really do think you have some excellent work. I think the presentation of your site is very simple, very straightforward, and very professional. I was especially moved by the section "What They Left Behind." I myself would have never bothered to photograph such things, and yet you made something quite beautiful out of it, which prompted me to raise my own creative vision in how I perceive the commonplace things I see. Very well done IMO. Also, I normally don't much care for B&W, but I did enjoy most of yours,
Conflict and Harmony in particular.
My only two criticisms are these: (1) the "Environmental Portraitures" all look like they were taken on the same day, of the same group of people, at more or less the same spot. Not saying they were, but for the most part that was the feeling I got. [My own "Landscape" page suffers from the same thing, just not enough truly fresh material of enough truly unique places.] IMO, "less is more" would apply to this section of your site, and so I would personally trim some of the fat out of this presentation---until I could add new, fresh faces taken in much different settings. (2) My second criticism would be of the "Tone Poet" section which, while creative and interesting to view at first, eventually began to suffer from the same monotony of similarity of place and subject matter. I think either limiting the number of shots presented in this section, or replacing them with shots taken with this theme in mind, but of vastly different places, would keep the overall feeling of freshness for the viewer.
Those would be my only criticisms, Chris, and I offer them only because you solicited them. My overall honest impression was that your work, and your website, are very nice indeed!