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Author Topic: RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???  (Read 23654 times)


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2010, 04:42:34 pm »

I get the same as you (Win7 64B) and I can check on a Vista64B machine tomorrow or Thursday.

It's clear that the numbers don't mean anything conventional.  While on the Advanced colour editor I get R19, G74 and B60 on a corrected Macbeth chart (picking red), above the image the picker shows me R148, G56, B23, L80.


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2010, 04:50:39 pm »

Quote from: mcbroomf
I get the same as you (Win7 64B) and I can check on a Vista64B machine tomorrow or Thursday.

It's clear that the numbers don't mean anything conventional.  While on the Advanced colour editor I get R19, G74 and B60 on a corrected Macbeth chart (picking red), above the image the picker shows me R148, G56, B23, L80.

 OK. That makes already 4 Win7 64bit user, that get meaningless RGB values in the Advanced Color Editor. Maybe we should start a new thread, and ask other win7 users?

We filed a case.

Did you? Maybe you should, don't know. It appears to be a bug.

Anyone else?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 04:52:11 pm by annamaerz »

Rainer Ots

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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2010, 05:08:40 pm »

Just something that crossed my mind - is it possible to resize the colour editor window ? Maybe parts of the numbers are hidden (i.e. you see 15 where it should be 115). I don't have C1 so can't test myself.


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2010, 05:22:22 pm »

Quote from: RainerOts
Just something that crossed my mind - is it possible to resize the colour editor window ? Maybe parts of the numbers are hidden (i.e. you see 15 where it should be 115). I don't have C1 so can't test myself.

Thank you Rainer! I really like your idea, especially as I had the same. But it has no influence. Anyways one can use the RGB values above the viewer. It's for sure not the same thing but you can make go.


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2010, 09:38:18 pm »

Quote from: annamaerz
OK. That makes already 4 Win7 64bit user, that get meaningless RGB values in the Advanced Color Editor. Maybe we should start a new thread, and ask other win7 users?

We filed a case.

Did you? Maybe you should, don't know. It appears to be a bug.

Anyone else?
I checked my Vista 64b system and it has the same issue.

I don't really have time to create a case with C1 but I think I know what's happening.  I don't have time to create any screenshots so I'll try to describe;

It's recording the value of the height of the level histogram of the colours that the picker is on...


Open your levels tool and select the red histogram
Select your advanced colour editor and the picker then click on the red box on your colour checker image
Look to see where in the level histogram the indicator falls
Now look to see how HIGH the histogram is at the point (make a % estimate with 100 being the box max)
Switch to the blue level hitogram then hover back over the red box on your colour checker.
The indicator is now at a completely different place in the histogram (lower of course)
But look to see where the indicator intersects the height of the level histogram
Repeat for the Green
You should find that the numbers you jotted down are approx what you have in the advanced colour editor box.

Give that a try and see if you get the same.


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2010, 07:31:36 am »

Quote from: mcbroomf
I checked my Vista 64b system and it has the same issue.

You are right! There is a similar issue with the Levels! I see what you mean, allbite it's a bit different by me (see attached screen shot):


You clearly see that blue is higher then red for the red patch! But it does not seem to be directly corresponding to the bug in the advanced color editor, because here the green value is significantly lower than the blue and the red one.

Maybe you should also file a case. I think it would be important. That way Phase one can be aware of the fact that there is more than one bug in Capture One, not only concerning Windows 7 and the advanced color editor, but also Vista 64bit and Levels.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 07:33:20 am by annamaerz »


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2010, 08:26:16 am »

Not only C1 5.1.2 is concerned, already at least in 5.1.1 we had these issues.

Doug Peterson

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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #27 on: June 28, 2010, 12:51:18 pm »

As a dealer for Phase One I just wanted to extend my thanks to the community for bringing such detailed/carefully-analyzed bug reporting on such issues.

While people like me, and a few of the members of the Phase One team (including notably Yaya who is very active here) do try to pass forum-posted bugs I would note that Phase One has a huge customer base and receives many bug reports, feature requests, and therefore has built a modern system of receiving, checking, and prioritizing such reports - it is through their support system at It's not your job to find such bugs and report them, but if you're in a generous mood I would encourage you to start a support case (like annameraz did) so that the Phase One team can properly log your findings, verify them, and (hopefully) fix them in a future version.

Doug Peterson
Head of Technical Services, Capture Integration
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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #28 on: June 30, 2010, 03:32:53 pm »

Just right now we got a message from Phase one, saying that a future update will fix the issues with the Advanced Color Editor, Levels and the crashes.

As Doug said, I think it is important to file a case with the problems you encounter, as it was clearly demonstrated in this case. P1 would maybe still not be aware of these issues. It is obviously in our common interest that our preferred image editing software gets better and better.

Only, before we filed a case, we wanted to make sure that this was not just simply induced by some mistake on our side.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 03:34:00 pm by annamaerz »


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #29 on: July 01, 2010, 10:13:56 am »

I'll do that if I have a chance. things are a little quieter now.

By the way are you getting frequent crashes on Win7?  I probably don't get more than 20 mins or so of processing before it crashes.  The log files say it's out of memory as though it's not using the virtual memory on the HD.  As it's a 32 bit app it can't use the full 8 or 12GB I have on my Vista/Win 7 machines respectively.  It seemed quite stable for a couple of weeks, but I have a vague feeling that it started having trouble when I increased the amount of floating tools and started using the Viewer on my main screen to view the full image (all tools on my 2nd screen).  I use the floating tools extensively so that C1 has a similar feel to PS.  As a test yesterday I killed all of my workspaces and created a new one without the viewer but a lot of floating tools.  I'll be checking to see how stable this is over the next 4-5 days.


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2010, 01:15:58 pm »

Quote from: mcbroomf
By the way are you getting frequent crashes on Win7?  I probably don't get more than 20 mins or so of processing before it crashes.

Exactly the same thing here.

The log files say it's out of memory as though it's not using the virtual memory on the HD.  As it's a 32 bit app it can't use the full 8 or 12GB I have on my Vista/Win 7 machines respectively.

Same here.

It seemed quite stable for a couple of weeks, but I have a vague feeling that it started having trouble when I increased the amount of floating tools and started using the Viewer on my main screen to view the full image (all tools on my 2nd screen).  I use the floating tools extensively so that C1 has a similar feel to PS.  As a test yesterday I killed all of my workspaces and created a new one without the viewer but a lot of floating tools.  I'll be checking to see how stable this is over the next 4-5 days.

I tried that and it had no influence.

I think it is very important to that you file a case. I would like C1 to work, because as it is, it's on the verge of being unusable in some situations. I already had to look for alternatives.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 01:16:32 pm by ninoloss »


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2010, 04:21:19 pm »

Thanks for the feedback... I will do that

Doug Peterson

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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2010, 05:42:57 pm »

Quote from: ninoloss
I think it is very important to that you file a case. I would like C1 to work, because as it is, it's on the verge of being unusable in some situations. I already had to look for alternatives.

Like a mac? :-)

Seriously though Dell is a good customer of ours so we put a lot of effort into making sure we could support them properly. We've had several customers running Capture One 8 hours a day in a full-production environment with absolute stability (in this case defined as approx. 1 crash every week in a facility with four capture stations) with Win 7 64-bit. We've also had two customers have a nightmere of a time trying to resolve what the issue was with frequent crashes. One of those two found his solution with an anti-virus software and the other bought a Mac - his was a strange color problem rather than crashes and ended up being tied to a corruption of his user account but the process of troubleshooting wore him out so much he still changed systems.

Generally speaking Windows 7 64 and C1 should run fantastically together, but if there is a problem Windows machines can be a nightmare to troubleshoot (not that macs are without any issues!) because of the variety of manufacturers/component-combination/driver versions/OS versions and the annoying copy protection of the OS (with a mac you can just plug any other mac in by firewire and boot the computer from the software of the target system but the hardware of the host system to see if the issue is hardware or software related.

I once spent most of my free time for two weeks of my life troubleshooting Photoshop crashes on a Windows XP machine during college. So I sympathize with you! Please keep us up to date on the forum here of what you find through your support case!

Doug Peterson
Head of Technical Services, Capture Integration
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« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 05:46:51 pm by dougpetersonci »


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #33 on: July 02, 2010, 05:33:30 am »

Quote from: mcbroomf
By the way are you getting frequent crashes on Win7?  I probably don't get more than 20 mins or so of processing before it crashes.  The log files say it's out of memory as though it's not using the virtual memory on the HD.

There are a number of people (including me) reporting this exact issue in the Phase One forums.


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2010, 05:50:40 am »

Quote from: billbunton
There are a number of people (including me) reporting this exact issue in the Phase One forums.
I've submitted a case for this now.


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #35 on: July 03, 2010, 02:00:14 pm »

Running win 7 64bits, no crash, no problem, nothing.
(the only precaution I had was to removed previous versions).

I must say anyway, that my computers are pretty well maintained. Not because I know how to, no! these things are not for me. But I run only a very limited range of softwares that I really need and use.
I don't know if it has something to do.



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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #36 on: July 03, 2010, 03:25:10 pm »

Quote from: fredjeang
Running win 7 64bits, no crash, no problem, nothing.
(the only precaution I had was to removed previous versions).

I must say anyway, that my computers are pretty well maintained. Not because I know how to, no! these things are not for me. But I run only a very limited range of softwares that I really need and use.
I don't know if it has something to do.

I'm the same really.  I built both of these PCs (oh-oh there's a commonality   ) and they both only run photo software for editing and printing.  Nothing else is unstable on them.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 03:25:52 pm by mcbroomf »


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RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2010, 07:16:45 pm »

Quote from: dougpetersonci
Like a mac? :-)

Seriously though Dell is a good customer of ours so we put a lot of effort into making sure we could support them properly. We've had several customers running Capture One 8 hours a day in a full-production environment with absolute stability (in this case defined as approx. 1 crash every week in a facility with four capture stations) with Win 7 64-bit. We've also had two customers have a nightmere of a time trying to resolve what the issue was with frequent crashes. One of those two found his solution with an anti-virus software and the other bought a Mac - his was a strange color problem rather than crashes and ended up being tied to a corruption of his user account but the process of troubleshooting wore him out so much he still changed systems.

Generally speaking Windows 7 64 and C1 should run fantastically together, but if there is a problem Windows machines can be a nightmare to troubleshoot (not that macs are without any issues!) because of the variety of manufacturers/component-combination/driver versions/OS versions and the annoying copy protection of the OS (with a mac you can just plug any other mac in by firewire and boot the computer from the software of the target system but the hardware of the host system to see if the issue is hardware or software related.

I once spent most of my free time for two weeks of my life troubleshooting Photoshop crashes on a Windows XP machine during college. So I sympathize with you! Please keep us up to date on the forum here of what you find through your support case!

Doug Peterson
Head of Technical Services, Capture Integration
Phase One, Leaf, Cambo, Canon, Apple, Profoto, Eizo & More
National: 877.217.9870  |  Cell: 740.707.2183
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I might believe the there's-more-pc-configurations excuse, if I hadn't been using C1 for years and seen it go from rock-solid 3.0 to the mess it is today.  I also often use it on the Mac, and there's plenty of issues there.

I've gotten to the point where I dread upgrading C1 because every time there's been new, worse bugs introduced.  I now randomly lose capture settings with 5.1.2 regularly, resulting in loss of time and confused clients.  I'm curious at what point it will start simply destroying captures.  

knock on wood...  

I like the results P1 delivers, but man, one competitor that comes along with just as good files and a working interface will get my money.



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Re: RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2010, 10:07:46 am »

Running win 7 64bits, no crash, no problem, nothing.
(the only precaution I had was to removed previous versions).

I must say anyway, that my computers are pretty well maintained. Not because I know how to, no! these things are not for me. But I run only a very limited range of softwares that I really need and use.
I don't know if it has something to do.

I am running the 5.1.2 BETA "Out of memory fix" which seams to have fixed a few other issues as well. I am finally happy with C1 :). I technically do not understand how it is possible that you are able to run the standard C1 on win64 without crashes and issues ????! Only this new 5.1.2 beta adresses that.



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Re: RGB values in C1Pro's Advanced Color Editor ???
« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2010, 10:26:41 am »

I am running the 5.1.2 BETA "Out of memory fix" which seams to have fixed a few other issues as well. I am finally happy with C1 :). I technically do not understand how it is possible that you are able to run the standard C1 on win64 without crashes and issues ????! Only this new 5.1.2 beta adresses that.


BTW the fix does not address the nonsense data produced by the Color Editor and the Levels tool!
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