Gentlemen, at least I've learned a specificity of the english language.
In my native language, french (and the french speaker can confirm it),
we would use 30 feet to express a feeling, not a distance in itself.
If someone write: "on peut voir la différence à 10 mètres" (we can see the difference from 30 feet), everybody would immediatly understand that this person is not talking about absolute measure distance but about transmiting a sensation of clear differences from a distance.
So in my language, we can see the difference from 30 feet=there are clearly visible differences.
Not that this has been scientificaly mesured with a laser
I thought that the language of precision and absolute was german, I'm surprised and delighted to learn that it is actually english.
Sincirely, I found that many of the attacks about that have been cynicals and made in order to demostrate one's ego superknowledge, but I see that I was wrong and basically I know now that it is because the english language does not tolerate vagueness and non-scientific concepts...This is a dispache from the field.
Now, about the DR stops, it has been writen from ages around the web that those differences are not just one stop or two, and it did not provoque this tsunami. But because we are in an high end scientific community, where the all world is waiting the very last of Lu-La posters researchs in order to be informed by the very gods of photography, this has made history and now we came to the conclusion that this web site has damaged its reputation...
If you find that we could fit an entire desert with rubbish I certainely beleive so.
I'm sure that more than one engineer working in photography research had a good laugh seeing many of the vague arguments with absolutely no proof in images, made by those who claim rigor and complained about the exageration.
I also noticed that the only woman who post here has made a real wised contribution with a draw, saying with a welcome tint of humor: a mistake? who cares?...but testosteron has occured as always and now I also understand more about the reasons of the wars and desasters that happened to the human race. I think we really need more women in power.