Instead of running around in the field with a pocketful of CF cards I have got into the habit of downloading original files from the CF card when it gets full to a portable battery powered 160GB X-drive hard disk specifically designed for this particular purpose. This worked fine with raw files from DSLRs like the Canon 5D.
Now I have a Sinar eMotion back and have found that with patience this portable HD can download and store copies of the files from the CF card just as I did with my Canon DSLR.
I read here how to import original Sinar .ia files from my CF card into Sinar eXposure. It works fine with a CF card.
But so far I have not been able to import COPIES of the same files that I downloaded from the CF card to the portable HD into Sinar eXposure.
I can see the volume and folder of the portable HD in the browser window of eXposure.
But when I click on the appropriate folder in the browser window no IMPORT window appears and nothing else happens.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?