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Author Topic: Advice for moving from 3.7.x?  (Read 11994 times)

Nill Toulme

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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« on: January 09, 2010, 12:13:29 pm »

Sometime in the next few months (and certainly by the time I get a Canon 1D MkIV) I intend to force myself to migrate to 5.x from the 3.7.x I have used happily and productively for several years.  I am primarily a sports and event photographer, and tend to work mostly in the mode of processing a couple of hundred images from an event, as opposed to spending a lot of time on any one (at least until the print orders come in).

I skipped 4.x entirely because I just couldn't take the time to get over the learning curve for the new interface.  Even in 3.7.x I never got the hang of "sessions," and one of the things that immediately put me off of 4.x was that they took away the little checkbox for "Process to associated folder" within the source folder.  I really [/i]hated that.

Any advice on how to tackle the transition?



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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2010, 04:28:56 am »

Maybe just download a trial of V5...?
There are a lot of improved tools compared to V3.
Noise Reduction and sharpening for instance are much better in V5. And the previews and zooming are much better.
And a lot of new tools. But if you only do basic editing maybe you don't need them.

"Process to associated folder" is there. By default an "output" folder is created within the session folder... so that's actually what you want.

You have to get used to the new interface. Once you are V5 is fast.
Make sure that your computer meets the required specs (should be Intel based).
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 04:29:48 am by tho_mas »

Nill Toulme

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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2010, 02:50:03 pm »

Thanks.  I have it up and running and it looks promising.  Where is "the session folder" located?  Is that the same as the Capture One folder that's created in the source folder?



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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2010, 03:36:36 pm »

Quote from: Nill Toulme
Where is "the session folder" located?  Is that the same as the Capture One folder that's created in the source folder?
the "session" itself is actually only a file with the suffix ".col50".
By default Capture One creates a folder ("Capture One Library") in "mac hd/user/pictures".
In that folder you'll find the *.col50 session file and 4 additional folders:
- Capture
- MoveTo
- Output
- Trash

You can create a session in every folder you like to, of course even on different drives.


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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2010, 05:51:36 pm »

Thanks again.  And is there a way to specify a different default folder scheme, e.g., defaulting to putting the Output folder (and perhaps other session-specific config files) inside the source folder instead of in a central location?  I can't find a way to do that, and with 3.7.x it was easy.



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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2010, 06:16:11 pm »

Quote from: Nill Toulme
Thanks again.  And is there a way to specify a different default folder scheme, e.g., defaulting to putting the Output folder (and perhaps other session-specific config files) inside the source folder instead of in a central location?  I can't find a way to do that, and with 3.7.x it was easy.
that's exactly how it works now - within every session 3 (untethered) or 4 (tethered) folders are created. The respective "output" folder in the session folder is set as output by default.


this is how it looks like.
- Go to "File"->"New Session"
- Type the Name of the session (here: Nill01)
- selected tethered or untethered

go to "File"->"import"
- select the source you want to import from (probably a CF card...)
- select "to session folder"
- select "don't create subfolder"
In this case the "session folder" is set as a so called "favorite folder" automatically.

In the Library tab of C1 it looks like this:
- "Nill01" is the session folder (and the folder your images are imported to)
- the folder "move to", "output" and "trash" are created automatically and "output" is set as the folder your images will be processed to.

And this is the respective session folder on the drive:
- Nill01.col50 is the session file
- the created folders show up
- the imported captures show up
- the folder "Capture One" contains the settings and the cache folder

« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 06:48:25 pm by tho_mas »

David McCaughan

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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2010, 06:19:40 pm »

One thing I miss from V3.7x is sort by processed state. Anybody know if there a way to do this in V4.x? Or V5.x, I haven't moved up yet but will.

Nill Toulme

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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2010, 06:45:30 pm »

Quote from: tho_mas
that's exactly how it works now - within every session 3 (untethered) or 4 (tethered) folders are created. The respective "output" folder in the session folder is set as output by default.
But can you change the default of where they're created, to the source folder?



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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2010, 06:51:18 pm »

Quote from: Nill Toulme
But can you change the default of where they're created, to the source folder?
default is as explained above.
2. You can also create a subfolder on import within the session folder.
3. You can also root to a folder (wherever) that you can choose in the advanced output tab of C1. In addition you can specify a subfolder there.
4. You can also select every folder on your system in the library, right click on the folder and then select: "set as output folder".

note that you set an output folder per session - it will not stay the same output folder when you create a new session.
If you want to process to a certain folder all the time you have to select it for each session as the respective output folder (4.).
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 07:00:51 pm by tho_mas »

Nill Toulme

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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2010, 07:01:15 pm »

OK thanks.  I will have to work through that to make sure I understand.



Nill Toulme

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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2010, 10:10:35 pm »

One more question, please... what is the equivalent of 3.7.x's checkbox to "Automatically open processed images" in PS?




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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2010, 02:22:19 am »

Quote from: Nill Toulme
One more question, please... what is the equivalent of 3.7.x's checkbox to "Automatically open processed images" in PS?

Nill Toulme

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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2010, 09:31:33 pm »

Wonderful, thanks!



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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2010, 09:28:12 pm »

I love V5. Suspect you will too.
fwiw, to this day I have never done a Session. I just do all my selecting/deleting etc in Photo Mechanic (I'm on a Mac) the way you've used BB. In PM I Create Folders, then go into Capture One and convert the raws. With every passing season I get more aggressive on the sliders. Think I went a little overboard w/ the Clarity slider during football season, but enough w/ being conservative!


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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2010, 03:34:17 pm »

I like the features V5 has, but still don't like the user interface as much as 3.7. I found 3.7 was a program I could use straight away, whereas with V5 it took a bit more getting used to.


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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2010, 04:20:22 pm »

Quote from: edt
fwiw, to this day I have never done a Session.
you did :-)... at least C1 created the default session. Now you are opening different folders within this session.
That's okay!
However unless you set the folders (the folders with the captures inside) as so called "favorite" folders C1 will not store the "sort by" order and in addition it takes quite  long time to re-load the thumnbails when you you re-open the folder as non-favorite folders are not cached.
Favorite folders are cached (so when you re-open them the previews will appear really quick) and they store the "sort by" order.
This is why it is actually a very good (and in the long term: fast) thing to create sessions. Ideally one session per shooting.


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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2010, 04:26:22 pm »

Quote from: ARD
I like the features V5 has, but still don't like the user interface as much as 3.7. I found 3.7 was a program I could use straight away, whereas with V5 it took a bit more getting used to.
agreed. Meanwhile I am (very) used to V4/V5, especially V5, and I'd say I am really fast with the program an know many things about the software. Still... V3 is the gold standard over all when it comes to workflow and and user friendly interface. (But, admittedly, you had to get used to V3 as well at first...). BTW: I preferred the mid gray interface of the V3 Windows version over the white of Mac.



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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2010, 09:25:57 am »

Quote from: tho_mas
default is as explained above.
2. You can also create a subfolder on import within the session folder.
3. You can also root to a folder (wherever) that you can choose in the advanced output tab of C1. In addition you can specify a subfolder there.
4. You can also select every folder on your system in the library, right click on the folder and then select: "set as output folder".

note that you set an output folder per session - it will not stay the same output folder when you create a new session.
If you want to process to a certain folder all the time you have to select it for each session as the respective output folder (4.).

Not to hijack this thread but I have the same type of issue... Are you saying that in order to get C1 5 to set the Output folder relative to my raw files I must "create a new Session" by importing the images from my card?  Is the "create new session" only a Pro feature?  I don't see it in my options.

Nill Toulme

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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2010, 02:27:00 pm »

Quote from: RichAdamo
Not to hijack this thread but I have the same type of issue... Are you saying that in order to get C1 5 to set the Output folder relative to my raw files I must "create a new Session" by importing the images from my card?  Is the "create new session" only a Pro feature?  I don't see it in my options.
Rich I have Pro but I think the answer is no, it's easier than that.  In the Process Recipes set, click on the Advanced tab and set your Root Folder to Image Folder and your Sub Folder to Develops, and then it will automagically create and point output to a Develops folder inside your source folder, just like 3.7.x.

I'm finally starting to get the hang of v5, and I really like it.


p.s.  And if occasionally you want to direct your output to a different, specific location, just change your Root Folder on the Advanced tab to Output, and then specify the location via the browse button.  To go back to your usual default, change the Root Folder back to Image Folder.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 09:22:22 am by Nill Toulme »


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Advice for moving from 3.7.x?
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2010, 09:53:59 pm »

Quote from: Nill Toulme
Rich I have Pro but I think the answer is no, it's easier than that.  In the Process Recipes set, click on the Advanced tab and set your Root Folder to Image Folder and your Sub Folder to Develops, and then it will automagically create and point output to a Develops folder inside your source folder, just like 3.7.x.

I'm finally starting to get the hang of v5, and I really like it.


p.s.  And if occasionally you want to direct your output to a different, specific location, just change your Root Folder on the Advanced tab to Output, and then specify the location via the browse button.  To go back to your usual default, change the Root Folder back to Image Folder.

Thanks for the response... I just checked this out.  In the non-Pro version there seems to only be a "Basic" tab.  So seems like I have to keep doing this manually. For the hobbyist the price of Pro is really steep so for now I will keep moving setting this as I go.

I do love the image results so it is worth the effort.

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