Tony, that's a simple condition to cure, don't even need an antibiotic: just stop looking at the forest and see the wood.
Just like this: not a forest in sight, just wood, Kodachrome and red mud. Season's greetings to you.
Rob C
Thank you Rob - and a Merry Christmas to you too.
You are not wrong in your assertion: it is difficult to see the forest properly - all those damn trees keep getting in the way.
My photography has grown out of a love for the outdoors in general and so far most of the things that I really care about I have managed to get portfolio-grade images or approaching that standard.
The glaring exception so far is the rainforest. Rainforests fascinate me, yet, photographically at least, I am not seeing and capturing anything more than what I would characterize as slightly above average pics at best (One or two recent images may stand the test of time - we will see).
So, I am not trying to shoot subject matter that I am indifferent about, and I am not bereft of ideas, but it is becoming somewhat apparent to me that there may be technique issues that have escaped me.
On a completely different note - Thank you for your kindness and guidance through the course of the year. It is very much appreciated.
Your friend
Tony Jay