I find this moral outrage against Ken Rockwell to be rather entertaining. I think the greater outrage is that the PODAS site showed such horribly inferior images that it opened itself up to Ken Rockwell's criticism.
You know what a blog is? It's a quick-turn-around, online news letter and in this case the blog had posts made (except the one afternoon where the net went down) when somebody had a spare minute...
The vast majority of the images on the blog were shot with point & shoot (I personally brought my new Canon S90 to shoot snaps with). Those were pretty easy to edit and post quickly...As far as the P65+ shots I did? Heck, I still don't have final edits from Antarctica from Feb, England from July and Southern Utah from Sept. You think I'm gonna have a final selection edit and processed files from Death Valley in less than a week of shooting? Surely you jest...
To give you an idea of our daily schedule, we assembled each day at 5AM to drive to various locations for pre-dawn setup. Sunrise was about 6:18AM. We shot till the light lost it's look. We returned to the Inn for breakfast at 8 or 8:30AM. We then had a morning workshop session, for example–working with Capture One 5.0 (ya see, many of the attendees had never shot a Phase One camera nor used C1). We had lunch then an afternoon session and we assembled at 3PM for the vans to go to the sunset locations (sunset was about 4:28PM or so-depending on the western mountains). We returned for dinner at 6:30-7:30 for dinner, then had an evening session-I did one on integrating Capture One and Lightroom. Pretty much everybody was in bed by 10:30PM (the bar closed at 10PM) and then back up at 4:30AM for the next morning's shoot.
So, based on that shoot schedule, exactly when would you expect people to get final selection edits and final processed images done? Heck, we were just lucky to get the cards downloaded and take a quick glance at what we had just shot, eat, sleep and do it all over again...
I will tell you this, as I was sitting in the back of the meeting room watching people do rough edits of their work, I was rather impressed with the quality of the images...and those images haven't been shown anywhere that I've aware of.
So, you might just want to hold off expressing your "outrage" until you actually have seen some of the final work from the students....