I've been travelling to quite a few places,...
As a tourist / foreigner, it's easy to attract the attention,.... If you can avoid that unwanted attention, it's a big plus;... Here's some tips:
*Don't wear flashy jewelry, watches or other fancy "bling bling" items
*Don't get yourself made up like you were to be expected to walk a catwalk,... no make up, no fancy hairdo's etc
*Get to the bottom of your armoire and get that 80ies junk out to wear for the very last time.
*Never walk around with lowepro or other big brand camera bags,... It's like having a big lamppost on your camera signaling a few thousand $'s. In stead have a cheap shoulderbag or backpack (which can be secretly locked with a small padlock or so) to carry your gear around.
*Avoid walking around in doddgy areas alone and at night...
*Trust your stomach, if it doesn't feel safe it probably won't be safe.
*Never walk around with an obviously visible map, guide book or other tourist equipment. Study your road before you leave and if you don't have a good sense of direction, don't go where you don't need to be.
*Always walk like you know where you're going, don't hesitate at crossings, if you need to look at the map, enter a shop or café, never on a street.
*Watch out for scams... people spilling dog shit on your shoes or ketchup on your t-shirt,... guys trying to sell you whatever great deal or women/children begging for help,... don't let anyone stop you, but just walk on like nothing happened, at all times: avoid taking help from a quick overly friendly stranger
*Remind yourself that anything you take with you will be stolen,... think of taking your old walkman or discman in stead of your brand new ipod.
*Learn the local language or at least basics, so you can understand what is going on around you, enable yourself to read signposts and book hotelrooms and train tickets.
* Inform yourself with the local customs / habbits, do's and don'ts of the area/country you're visiting.
*Always have a small amount of money at hand, to buy yourself a drink or sigarettes when you need to,...
*Never carry large quantities of money in one place / pouch if not needed,... Break them up, in your suitcase, in your socks, in your left pocket, your right pocket, in the hotel.
*Never keep your passport, visa, credit cards, bank cards and other paperwork / valuables in one pocket / pouch. If they steal your passport you at least have a credit card, if they steal your credit card you at least have a passport.
*Never show your passport in large, overcrowded places, carry copies and claim your original passport is in an airport or a bank safe
*Carry several (sets of) copies, one in your backpack, one in your suitcase, one on you,... keep the originals well hidden
*Before leaving scan all your paperwork (passport, visa, tickets,...) and e-mail them to yourself on a hotmail, g-mail or other account, makes them available in case of need.
Common sense goes a long way too,...