I hear you and agree completely. Whenever I see yet another image of Antelope Canyon, I think, "Antelope !@#$^%& Canyon again!" I'll never go there myself, because I'm sick and tired of it despite never having physically been there.
However, once in awhile I do like to see how well I can do at one of the "standard location" places; it's an educational exercise as much as anything else, and it means more to me than other peoples' photos of it because it was *mine*. Mostly, however, I prefer to do my own thing. (At Mesa Arch, rather than sunrise under the arch, I did sunset from a very different and more distance vantage point - not quite as saleable a photo as the standard Mesa Arch one, but I preferred it because it was all mine.)
Someone who knew I loved Yosemite gave me a photo book of Yosemite. The author set up his tripod on the same "Half Dome View" bridge many days of the year, and did a book entirely of views of Half Dome from the same (overly popular) place; what a boring book!
In short, yes, I agree with what you say, most of the time.
Slightly later P.S.: Apparently while I was typing my response, bill's comment on Antelope Canyon showed up.