Hi guys,
I just took delivery of 23GB of files from a good client, they use Mac/NikonD3/C1 3.7.8 and have selected the files they wanted further processed with a star rating. I have received all directories including side cars, sessions everything. I am working on WinXPx64/C1 3.7.8 and have also C1_4.7 (which i don;t like the interface of it not as user friendly as ver 3.7.8 but that is a different story and I am not here to b*t*h)
why will C1 on windows not read the sessions files and load the files, why will C1 4.7 not read C1 3.7.8 session files? :shock:
Where is the compatibility here, I got two left hands here, and I have a deadline?
Not happy, this was a straight forward job, please someone, help me out here :cry:
I wish Phase One would treat windows user equally to Mac Users and vs.
alt andet er jord i hoved!!