I remember seeing this camera when it first came out, WOW!
I think I have been playing with digital stitching since 2003-4, when i got my RRS kit, got so frustrated with it, well more with the software at the time, or the lack of time to learn the software (Panotools) either way it was frustrating.
Bought a 617 camera and a 90mm lens, and a secondhand Imacon, scanning at 3200dpi, sure big files. But just with stitching, so many things can go wrong.
In the past two years I have picked up my pano kit again and especially now with the Canon 1D mkIII and its liveview stitching is becoming fun again. software has improved alot. but now it isn't just stitching rows and columns of images, we are not doing HDRI as well, to add to the burden and to top it off, we are adding focus stacking. That is a lot of files to play with.
Imagine, 5 rows of 15 columns, bracket with 5 shots for HDR, hmmm, now we are going to add focus stacking (we are currently at 5x15x5=375 images @ 10mb each) and we have not done the focus stacking...
the next thing on the shopping list is a robot :-) but am I now still a photographer or director?
but it is certainly a fascinating way of approaching a subject, but I can't remember a single shoot where something has not been missed.
Large format and movements, certainly would help here to cut down on shooting time, but live view would be a lifesaver here.
Having fun