Definitely worth trying C1 before spending the time/money for a custom profile. You may well find that the out-of-box color does most of what you're looking for (compared to LR/ACR). If you need a slight tweak from there the Color Editor is easy to use (especially if someone walks you through it) and can quickly take the generic profile, add a few tweaks and save out a new custom profile that you can easily switch back and forth with the generic for any given image.
Thank you Doug, I appreciate it!
I'll have to download the demo version and take a look. I am going to buy soon, I just have a couple of things I need to take care of first.
I have the i1, so I can make my own profiles. I am not at all happy though with the profile editing in the iMatch software. The windows are way too small to accurately see the 5 image variations for profile editing. Really useless, unless there is something I just don't get?
I was thinking I would buy Profilemaker, but the Color Editor in C1 may prove to be a good solution. I assume I can import and edit the profiles I make with my i1 and the iMatch software? Standard ICC profiles.
I also understand from another thread that there is a C1 module that integrates the Xrite Profilemaker software?
I am a big believer in custom profiles for the Canon, in particular to tame the reds. I don't know if you remember the Canon D30 reds, they were pretty funky.
The reds on my Canon 1DsII were much better, but I still had to do a custom profile for some fashion images where I was shooting a red plaid skirt. Quite a noticable difference there. I'll have to go back and test with the C1 profiles without the calibration. I know the delta differences between Epson printers are supposed to be pretty small, not sure how close the Canon's are in tolerance?
(I just spent the winter before last testing 7+ ink sets and 50+ papers on 3 different Epson wide format printers. I did a deep soak in profiling. Off work (from photography) for medical for 2+ years, so lots of time to mess around.)
I am going to buy a 5DII, will pick up C1 at the same time.
Thanks agian!~