I very much appreciate the helpful suggestions I have received so far. Some of you know that I was prompted, in part, to start this thread by discussion in another thread about whether image critiques have a useful place on a web site like LL. The thoughtful responses I have received answer that question quite clearly in the affirmative.
I chose the photos for this thread because they were taken of an interesting location, but were not satisfying to me as the best photos I could take at that time and place. I have continued to work on the photos a little more (taking into account the suggestions you have made) as a learning experience--realizing that post-processing is not a substitute for a better shot in the field.
For the first photo, I concluded that the foreground is a weak element, in part because it is lighter in tone than most of the rest of the picture so that the photo does not seem well anchored. I did some digital burning in to darken the foreground, which to my eye makes a stronger composition. I also did a little more contrast enhancement to make the trees stand out and some cropping to simplify the overall composition, although I agree with the comment by one poster that the image space feels confining.
The second image was originally posted merely for reference, but many of you suggested a panorama crop, so I decided to post one. As with the first image, I did some burning in and some local contrast enhancement. The crop is close to the crop suggested by several of you.