
What will Nikon release on November 20?

D3x only (D3 size body, 35mm FF sensor, 20+MP)
- 27 (54%)
D700x only (D700 size body, 35mm FF sensor, 20+MP)
- 2 (4%)
MX SLR only (medium format sensor in an SLR body - think Leica S2 -)
- 7 (14%)
MX rangefinder/electronic only (medium format sensor in a new type of body)
- 1 (2%)
D3x AND D700x
- 2 (4%)
D3x and/or D700x plus MX SLR
- 2 (4%)
D3x and/or D700x plus MX rangefinder
- 2 (4%)
Something else (a new batch of coolpixes, a D300 replacement, a printer, etc...
- 7 (14%)

Total Members Voted: 47

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Author Topic: What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?  (Read 21343 times)


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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2008, 10:06:26 am »

Quote from: momo2


Tony Beach

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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2008, 11:12:21 am »

Quote from: Slough
That is a misinterpretation of my posting.

Not entirely, but I do agree with much of what you write in the follow-up

I respect Thom's reviews. But he has taken to writing all knowing pieces telling us what Nikon should do and what Nikon will do. Thom has more knowledge than most people given his trade contacts and the fact that he writes highly respected user manuals, but at the end of the day the only people who know are Nikon and people who have signed Non Disclosure Agreements. Having read numerous 'expert' predictions which were 'guaranteed' to be 100% kosher, and which turned out to be wrong, I think it best just to wait and see.

Thom is pretty clear about when he is saying "should", "could", or "might do".  Sometimes he's wrong, and he doesn't claim to be superhuman.

I agree that speculation is usually a waste of time.  On the other hand, I delayed purchasing the latest Nikon DSLR this year in anticipation of something with more resolution, and I will continue to put off purchasing such a camera until I can get one that has a smaller body and costs less than $3000.

My comment was more about the fact that anything on dpreview is suspect. I can't say I understand why Hogan gets involved in that nonsense.

Everything is suspect and DPR is not the only place that should be regarded with suspicion.

I am also mystified by Thom's participation in some of the threads there.

Incidentally, numerous 'authorities' were predicting 20th November for an announcement.

I try to separate the wheat from the chaff:


« Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 11:15:33 am by Tony Beach »


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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2008, 02:14:43 pm »

Quote from: Tony Beach
I try to separate the wheat from the chaff:



Interesting. He is usually right about the big announcements.


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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2008, 02:00:34 am »

The new official rumour annoucement date is now Dec 1st... Yashica might have to wait another week.


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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2008, 03:36:40 am »

Quote from: BernardLanguillier
The new official rumour annoucement date is now Dec 1st... Yashica might have to wait another week.




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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #25 on: November 22, 2008, 05:10:26 am »

Quote from: BernardLanguillier
The new official rumour annoucement date is now Dec 1st... Yashica might have to wait another week.


Can you provide a DPReview link to back up that claim?




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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #26 on: November 22, 2008, 05:41:44 am »

Quote from: CJL
Can you provide a DPReview link to back up that claim?


Well... this is a genuine NDA (New DPreview Annoucement)...


Tony Beach

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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #27 on: November 22, 2008, 10:57:03 am »

Quote from: BernardLanguillier
The new official rumour annoucement date is now Dec 1st... Yashica might have to wait another week.

What is an "official rumor"?


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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #28 on: November 22, 2008, 05:46:59 pm »

Quote from: Tony Beach
What is an "official rumor"?

Thats a rumor the Internet press has latched onto.


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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #29 on: November 22, 2008, 10:14:23 pm »

Quote from: Tony Beach
What is an "official rumor"?

That's the one Nikon is spreading themselves I guess...

How could it be a coincidence that Nov 8th, then 20th and now Dec 1st are reported by several apparently credible posters as being major Nikon press events that end up never happening at all... how related could that be to the imminent availability of the 5DII and A900?... What would you do as a marketing manager having to deal with the 3 following constraints?

1. Your product won't be ready to announce before early DEcember
2. You have to protect the sales of 2 recently released FX body, let's call them D3 and D700 because your new camera perfoms just almost as well at high ISO while delivering twice the resolution,
3. You want to prevent your customers from switching over to Canon and Sony who are now releasing 2 directly competing products?

Well... you orchestrate consecutive fake leaks during 2 months to keep people put...

Note that it probably wouldn't make sense to do it if your announcement were 3 months away.


Rob C

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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2008, 06:02:59 am »

As I was on the brink of ordering  a D700 for myself, this bit of funny publicity has stopped me from doing anything at all.

It might be a blessing in disguise.

I hear on the news that the UK government is lowering the extortionate 17.5% tax on some purchases (VAT) to something somewhat lower. This could make a difference to me, though I live in Spain, if only because the pound against the € is so damn low at the moment and importing it makes the penalties of currency exchange very severe indeed. We shall see. Perhaps they will find that the Euro is as fragile as the poor old quid - there is little sign of a thrusting economy here that I can distinguish - and it, too, will topple into the abyss.

It then becomes a matter of how expensive or otherwise it would be for a camera to be sent over here from the UK. (You know, there really were `good old days´ when everything had a semblance of order.)

Sometimes, the old adage about doing nothing when in doubt might just be spot-on!

Rob C

Wayne R

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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2008, 10:49:18 am »

Quote from: Rob C
As I was on the brink of ordering  a D700 for myself, this bit of funny publicity has stopped me from doing anything at all.

It might be a blessing in disguise.

Rob C

I was looking at the D700 as well.....and almost had one.....I had the shipper send it back to the retailer before it made it to the doorstep.....at the last minute I wasn't there to receive it, so it I had the shipper return it.  Fate or Blessing?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 10:53:53 am by Wayne R »

Tony Beach

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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2008, 11:09:50 am »

Quote from: Wayne R
I was looking at the D700 as well....

I'm not sure what the D700 has to do with the now past November 18'th announcement, or with the putative December 1'st announcement.  There were seven votes for a "D700x", but I doubt that is likely and would think a "D3x" and D300 upgrade (more megapixels and video) would be more likey, ironically an option we were not given in the provided poll.  Price points and capabilities are going to be different and comparing a D700 to any of the possibilities is the proverbial apples to oranges comparison.  FWIW, I expect to buy a D700 when the price gets to around $2000 (I'll settle for slightly used) and would use it for low light applications that it would be more suitable for than the D300 or "D3x".

Rob C

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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2008, 05:13:54 pm »

[quote name='Tony Beach' date='Nov 23 2008, 05:09 PM' post='238949']
I'm not sure what the D700 has to do with the now past November 18'th announcement, or with the putative December 1'st announcement.  

And that, Tony, is the problem: none of us knows but many of us fear taking the wrong step because of this thing that´s going down. If, in fact, anything is.


Rob C

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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2008, 05:25:55 pm »

Quote from: Rob C
...many of us fear taking the wrong step because of this thing that´s going down. If, in fact, anything is.

Do you need or want a D700?  If yes and you can afford it, then buy it; if not, then wait for something that better suits your needs or wants, or wait for the price of the D700 to drop as it will inevitably do.  As I already have stated, I made that decision back in August and decided to wait as long as it takes for something that suits my wants more (namely, a high MP DSLR).

The D700 is a great camera for low light photography, I'm reasonably certain Nikon's next DSLR will be no better (probably worse) and if it is indeed more MP it will generate larger files.  Do you really want massive files?  If you are printing really big than there will be a few occasions where it will be preferable, just as there are a few occasions where extreme low light performance is preferable -- for the vast majority of my photography, the D300 is actually perfectly adequate (compared to 135 format film, I have no complaints whatsoever), YMMV.


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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2008, 06:06:15 pm »

Quote from: BernardLanguillier
The new official rumour annoucement date is now Dec 1st... Yashica might have to wait another week.


Actually that's not a rumor, Nikon invited us for a new DSLR product presentation at 6th Dec., and official announcement is at 1st.
Marcin Kałuża | [URL=http://zarzadzaniebarwa


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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #36 on: November 25, 2008, 07:33:11 am »

Quote from: Rob C
As I was on the brink of ordering  a D700 for myself, this bit of funny publicity has stopped me from doing anything at all.

It might be a blessing in disguise.

I hear on the news that the UK government is lowering the extortionate 17.5% tax on some purchases (VAT) to something somewhat lower. This could make a difference to me, though I live in Spain, if only because the pound against the € is so damn low at the moment and importing it makes the penalties of currency exchange very severe indeed. We shall see. Perhaps they will find that the Euro is as fragile as the poor old quid - there is little sign of a thrusting economy here that I can distinguish - and it, too, will topple into the abyss.

It then becomes a matter of how expensive or otherwise it would be for a camera to be sent over here from the UK. (You know, there really were `good old days´ when everything had a semblance of order.)

Sometimes, the old adage about doing nothing when in doubt might just be spot-on!

Rob C

I am sceptical that the 2.5% reduction in VAT will actually be passed on to the consumer. I really can't see shops who price everything a x.99 selling say, a 4.99 item at £4.87. Even though this is a big ticket purchase, I can't see shops repricing anything.


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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #37 on: November 25, 2008, 08:07:08 am »

Quote from: MarkL
I am sceptical that the 2.5% reduction in VAT will actually be passed on to the consumer. I really can't see shops who price everything a x.99 selling say, a 4.99 item at £4.87. Even though this is a big ticket purchase, I can't see shops repricing anything.

We seem to do price changes weekly, which can get very annoying.

Dan Wells

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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #38 on: November 26, 2008, 04:40:35 pm »

At least one announcement (presumably Dec. 1) is a D3x, with a clear D3x badge on it - Nikon just, either accidentally or on purpose, posted pictures of a D3x (which looks EXACTLY like a D3, so the pictures themselves don't mean anything - the only thing that does is that they showed up on Nikon's own website). There may be another camera waiting in the wings, but, if so, we don't know anything about it yet... I'm looking forward to the specs, and more importantly, to pictures FROM instead of OF the D3x - some folks who have seen it in person and taken test shots hint at breakthrough image quality (I have held off on moving to medium format, waiting to see if Nikon comes through).


Tony Beach

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What do you think Nikon will do on Nov. 20?
« Reply #39 on: November 26, 2008, 05:16:12 pm »

Quote from: BernardLanguillier
1. Your product won't be ready to announce before early DEcember
2. You have to protect the sales of 2 recently released FX body, let's call them D3 and D700 because your new camera perfoms just almost as well at high ISO while delivering twice the resolution,
3. You want to prevent your customers from switching over to Canon and Sony who are now releasing 2 directly competing products?

Well... you orchestrate consecutive fake leaks during 2 months to keep people put...

"To my knowledge, Nikon is not leaking information intentionally, nor do they like the leaks."
Thom Hogan
« Last Edit: November 26, 2008, 07:40:55 pm by Tony Beach »
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